France and Belgium
Slide Rule Gallery

This gallery is dedicated to Belgium and French slide rules and manufacturers. (Manufacturers not found in their own gallery)

Donations are
tax deductable
Manufacturers/Brands Represented in this gallery:
Appoullot, Arnault & Paineau, Barbotheu, Besse, Charpentier, Lenoir, Lenoir-Gravet, Logarecta, MARC - UNIS French Standard Slide Rules, Maurice Damien, Tavernier-Gravet, .

Note: When you read "Brevet SGG" or "Brevet SGDG" on a French item, this means, in French: "Brevet Sans Garantie Du Gouvernement", translated to English: "Patented without government warranty". ie, if the government does not restrict or warrants the product, than the idea is considered original.

Also visit the French manufacturer Graphoplex Slide Rule Gallery
Another excellent Museum that displays French Slide Rules is - Gonzalo Martin's website (in French and Spanish). Many images from are shown in this, and other ISRM galleries.


Appoullot T2 LogZ Spiral Slide Rule (c.1930)

Appoullot T2 LogZ Spiral Slide Rule
Made in France, Invented by Leon Appoullot in Paris, France.
14cm diameter - Reference patents FR547870 and GB180695
Front Scale: C, L, 3 revolution number scale, special root scales, tangent & sine scales. Scales wrap in a curious artistic way. Outer scales have accessory vernier scales for increased precision.
Note: 3 revolution spiral number scale is about 60 cm long.
Material: 13 cm diameter irregularly shaped enameled aluminum disc, with two transparent celluloid cursors. Fitted leather case.
Archive - Photo courtesy of the Ed Chamberlain Collection

Appoullot T3 LogZ Spiral Slide Rule (c.1930)

Appoullot T3 LogZ Spiral Slide Rule
Made in France, Invented by Leon Appoullot in Paris, France.
14cm diameter- Reference patents FR547870 and GB180695
Front Scale: C, L, 3 revolution number scale, special root scales, tangent & sine scales. Scales wrap in a curious artistic way. Outer scales have accessory vernier scales for increased precision.
Note: 3 revolution spiral number scale is about 79 cm long.
Material: 20 cm diameter irregularly shaped enameled aluminum discs, with two transparent celluloid cursors. Fitted leather case.
Archive - Photo courtesy of the Ed Chamberlain Collection

Appoullot T4 LogZ Spiral Slide Rule (c.1930)
Need Image
Appoullot T3 LogZ Spiral Slide Rule
Made in France, Invented by L. Appoullot in Paris, France.
Front Scale: C, L, 3 revolution number scale, special root scales, tangent & sine scales. Scales wrap in a curious artistic way. Outer scales have accessory vernier scales for increased precision.
Note: 3 revolution spiral number scale is about 140 cm long.
Material: 30 cm diameter irregularly shaped enameled aluminum discs, with two transparent celluloid cursors..
8/6/2024 5:47:06 PM

Arnault & Paineau, Montrouge, France

This calculator has no maker name or model on it, but some inquiry placed it as the "Calculateur a Disque Mobile" – calculator with a moveable disk – invented in France by Jules Arnault and Louis Paineau and patented FR 516,480 in 1921. The manual bears a copyright by Mathieu et Lefevre, Montrouge (a suburb of Paris), the firm that fabricated the device. References:
The Arnault-Paineau calculator, Nathan Zeldes Collection in Israel.
About A French Slide Rule by Willy Robbrecht ,JOS V21.2P52

Arnault & Paineau Circular Slide Rule (Carrees & Cubiques)

Arnault & Paineau Circular Slide Rule( Carrees & Cubiques)
Made in France c1921 by Arnault & Paineau
Materials: 2 piece 4mm overall thickness, 3mm aluminum substrate and 1mm outer scale and rotor. There are 8 rivets that hold the thin outer scale sheet to the thicker base. Celluloid cursor, brass knobs, wood backing and frame. This one is missing the brass knob on the cursor. (see othe examples in the links).
Front Scale: G Cos, Sin, F[L scale], E[C scale], D[CI scale]( C[D scale], B[B scale 1st decade], A[B scale 2nd decade])
Note: It seems to be designed specifically for calculating the circumferance and areas of circles.
Tom Dilatush Collection

Manual (French) Courtesy of Nathan Zeldes

Arnault & Paineau Banque No.5 Circlular Slide Rule (Commercial)
Arnault & Paineau Banque No.5 Circlular Slide Rule (Commercial)
Made in France c1921 by Arnault & Paineau
Materials: 2 piece 12cm Square, 4mm overall thickness, 3mm aluminum substrate and 1mm outer scale and rotor. Celluloid cursor, brass knobs. wood backing and frame. This one is missing the brass knob on the cursor. (see othe examples in the links).
Front Scale: C, B [ A ]
Scan By Gonzalo Martin Collection,

Manual (French) Courtesy of Gonzalo Martin

J.D. Barbotheu, 17 Reu Béranger, Paris, France

The company Barbotheu was founded by Georges Barbotheu (1857-1925) in 1885. This French precision instruments maker was established in Paris. Three addresses are known in Paris: 16 Rue Saint Gilles, 1888; 10 Rue Saint Gilles, 1889 - 1892; and 17 Rue Béranger, 1893 - 1913.. They had a factory rue de la Jarry in Vincennes. They were active at least until 1938 (listed in a directory of French companies). Some of the slide rules bearing this brand might have been actually produced by Tavernier-Gravet. Courtesy of Rod Lovett.

Barbotheu Mannheim (early) Slide Rule

Barbotheu Mannheim (early) Slide Rule c1900
Made in 17 Reu Béranger, Paris, France by J.D. Barbotheu. Material is Pearwood.
Front Scale (Labels given as formula): 25cm // A [ B, C ] D || ??
Back Scale: [ S, L, T ]
Well: 27cm-52cm Back Label and well: Equivalents in French
Archive - HSRC Collection

Barbotheu 102 Mannheim (Lot 51) Amber Lens Slide Rule

Barbotheu 102 Mannheim (Lot 51) Amber Lens Slide Rule c1905
Made in France by J.D. Barbotheu. Material is Pearwood. Lot 51
Front Scale (Labels given as formula): 25cm // A [ B, C ] D || 25cm
Back Scale: [ S, L, T ]
Back Label and well: Equivalents in French
Tom Dilatush Collection

Barbotheu No.922 Universelle Slide Rule

Barbotheu No.922 Universelle Slide Rule
Made in France by J.D. Barbotheu. Material is Pearwood
Front Scale (Labels given as formula): 25cm // DIF [ CI, B, C ] DF, KF || 10cm-0-15cm
Back Scale: [ S, Log, T ]
Back Label and well: Equivalents in French
Tom Dilatush Collection

Barbotheu Mannheim V1 Slide Rule

Barbotheu Mannheim V1 Slide Rule c1905
Made in France by J.D. Barbotheu. Material is Pearwood. Lot 85
Front Scale (Labels given as formula): 25cm // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D || ??
Back Scale: [ S, L, T ]
Back Label and well: Equivalents in French
Tom Dilatush Collection

Barbotheu Mannheim V2 Slide Rule

Barbotheu Mannheim V2 Slide Rule c1905
Made in France by J.D. Barbotheu. Material is Pearwood. Lot 18
Front Scale (Labels given as formula): 25cm // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D || ??
Back Scale: [ S, L, T ]
Back Label and well: Equivalents in French
Tom Dilatush Collection


Besse Cadran Comparateur (Dial Comparator)
Besse Cadran Comparateur (Dial Comparator)
Made in France, Invented by Besse, Pharmacien, a (in) Montdidier (France)
14cm diameter
Front Scale: Units Conversion of Pharmaceutical weights.
Text on face: Les formalites vouldes par la loi ayant ete remplies, sera regarde comme contrefart tout exemplaire qui ne portera pas la signature de l'Auteur, Besse.
Archive - 2009 Phillip Weiss Auction


Charpentier Calculimetre
Charpentier Calculimetre
Made in France - 5.92cm diameter
Front Scale: D, C ( W1, W2)
Back scale: L, S, T
Archive - Giovanni Breda Collection

Presentation by Gonzola Martin, 2009, France (704KB pdf)

Original Instruction Sheet, French (2.5MB pdf)

Lenoir (1820-1827), Gravet-Lenoir (1827-1867)

See L introduction des regles A calcul en France (1815-1852) by Marc Thomas. IM2010 proceedings

Étienne Lenoir - (1744-1832) Paris, France. A French scientific instrument maker and inventor of the repeating circle. When hired by Jean-Charles de Borda around 1772 to work on the reflecting circle, he was about thirty years old and nearly illiterate. However, his intelligence and mechanical genius allowed him to perform work that few others could perform. He played a significant role in the improvements to the reflecting circle and later used this experience in inventing the repeating circle. As a result of this work, he became known as the pre-eminent maker of instruments for astronomy, navigation and surveying in France. In 1787, the king of France appointed him certificated engineer to the king. He created the instruments used on all the major French geodetic surveying projects and major naval expeditions of the time. Lenoir Rock in Antartica is named after him. He worked primarily for the Commission des Poids et Mesures (Weights and Measures Commission) after 1792 and for the Commission du Metre (Metre Commission - for the determination of the metric unit of length, the metre). For these commissions, he produced the instruments used to measure the meridian arc and created the platinum rules for baseline measurements. In 1793, he made and signed the provisional standard brass metre. He also invented a comparator for the measurement of the definitive standard metre. Lenoir was also a member of the Commission temporaire des Arts (1793-1794). He was made a member of the Bureau des Longitudes in 1814 and received the Legion of Honour. from Museum Galileo

His son, Paul-Étienne Lenoir(1776-1827) died before his father (1832). Their work was carried on by one of their employees named, Mabire, who took over the workshop at 14 Rue Cassette in Paris. It is Gravet that succeeds Lenoir as far as slide ruler were concerned but little is known about Gravet.

also see Tavernier-Gravet (successor to Gravet-Lenoir) (1867-1972)

Lenoir SOHO c1825 26cm

Lenoir SOHO c1825 26cm
Made in France - SOHO type scales . 200 years old.
Front Scale: A [ B, C ] D
Well: 26-58 CM
Back of Slide: 0-50, 0-40,L
Back: Guniers scales, Conversions, Weights
Tom Dilatush Collection, USA

A Very Early Lenoir Slide Rule by Marc Thomas, France. Journal of the Oughtred Society, Volume 19, Number 1, Spring, 2010

Lenoir SOHO c1825 26cm

Lenoir SOHO c1825 26cm
Made in France - SOHO type scales
Front Scale: A [ B, C ] D
Well: 26-52 CM, 9.5-12.25 Inch
Back of Slide: ?,?,?,L
Back: Conversions, Weights
Archive - Etienne Pommel Collection, France, Courtesy of

Gravet-Lenoir SOHO 1829-1844 25cm

Gravet-Lenoir SOHO 1829-1844 25cm
Made in France - 14 R. Cassette, Paris. SOHO type scales
Front Scale: A [ B, C ] D
Well: 26-52 CM, 9.5-12.25 Inch
Back of Slide: ?,?,?,L
Back: Diviseurs pour, Conversions, Weights
Archive - Etienne Pommel Collection, France, Courtesy of

Logarecta Déposé

REF Logarecta Déposé - Malta Logarithmic Scales
Logarecta Déposé - Malta Logarithmic Scales
Made in Belgium
Front Scale:

BackScale: Trig scales
Archive - Herman van Herwijnen's SR Catalogue

MARC Slide Rules

With UNIS marks. Union Nationale Inter Syndacale is French organization monitoring the quality of French goods. The "UNIS" marking found on slide rules was more or less equivalent to stating that the product was "Made in France". See more samples of Slide Rules marked with "UNIS" in United States gallery.. These were exported to the USA and rebranded for Guedon and Dietzgen. See other rare French slide rules and sectors in the Rarities gallery, and Troncets (Addiators) in the Mechanical Adders gallery.

MARC Generic Mannheim 13cm (Thin-film cursor)

MARC Generic Mannheim 13cm (Thin-film cursor)
Made in France
Front Scale: 13cm // A [ B, C ] D
Back slide: Blank
Gifted by John Holmes of Washington, D.C.

MARC Generic Mannheim

MARC Generic Mannheim
Made in France
Front Scale: 5-1/2in // A [ B, C ] D
Promo (on back and on sleeve: The Everstick Anchor Company, Fairfield, Iowa
Back slide: Blank
Gifted by Ed Millis, Dallas, Texas

MARC Pocket Rietz

MARC Pocket Rietz
Made in France
Front Scale (Extended): 5-1/2in // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, L
Back: 15cm [ S, L, T ]
Gifted by Cindy Tate, Bozeman, Monartana. Victor B. tate Collection

MARC Electro - Spéciale pour Électriciens
MARC Electro - - Spéciale pour Électriciens
Made in France, UNIS marks
Front Scale: 13cm // KW, A [ B, C ] D,
Slide Rule Scan Courtesy of Oliver Cassou Collection, France
1932 MARC Advertisement Courtesy of

MARC No 5 Électriciens

MARC No 5 Électriciens
Made in France, UNIS marks
Front Scale: 13cm // A (KW) [ B (KW), C (CV)] D (CV)
Donated by Phillip Rodley, Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Instructions Instructions (PDF)


Made in France, UNIS marks
Front Scale: 13cm // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, L
Slide: [ S,S&T, T]
Archive - Herman van Herwijnen's SR Catalogue

MARC Thin Film Cursor
MARC Thin Film Cursor
Made in France, UNIS marks
Front Scale: 13cm // A [ B, C ] D
Back: 13cm Scale: Gift of Ed Millis, Dallas, Texas

MARC Metric, Thin Film Cursor
MARC Metal Framed Cursor
Made in France, UNIS marks
Front Scale: 13cm // A [ B, C ] D
Back: 13cm scale.
Back Promo: Underfeed Stoker Company Limited
Gift of Mike Weaver, U.K.

MARC Régle

MARC Réglec
Made in France, UNIS marks
Front Scale: 13cm // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, L
Slide: [ S,S&T, T]
Archive - Herman van Herwijnen's SR Catalogue

Maurice Damien 39, Rue des Mathurins, Paris

Maurice Damien Universal Calculation Ruler
(Regle A Calculus)
Maurice Damien Universal Calculation Ruler (Regle A Calculus)
Made in France - c1930
Front Scale (extended): 27cm // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, L \\ 10.5inch
Back scale: [ S, S&T, T ]
Multilined Cursor (repaired, does not seem to be the original frame, which should be metal)
Note:28cm long, Extruded Aluminum construction, Railroad Track style divisions, photo printed using 'Photal Process'
Gift of Phillip Rodley of UpperHutt, New Zealand
This slide rule and others in the ISRM archives and galleries were donated through the generosity and support of Phillip Rodley. Phil is very enthusiatic in finding slide rules in New Zealand that are not available to the rest of the world, and gifting them to ISRM. He enjoys the American brands that have leather sleeves and belt loops.

Maurice Damien Universal Ruler (Regle A Calculus)

Maurice Damien Universal Ruler (Regle A Calculus)
Made in France - c1930
Front Scale (extended): 27cm // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, L \\ 10.5inch
Back scale: [ S, S&T, T ]
Multilined Cursor (repaired, does not seem to be the original frame, which should be metal)
Note:28cm long, Extruded Aluminum construction, Railroad Track style divisions, photo printed using 'Photal Process'
This version has a flat back plate as compared to the one in the ISRM collection.
Scan By Gonzalo Martin Collection,
Box label

Maurice Damien Regle A Calculus No16

Maurice Damien Regle A Calculus No16
Made in France - c1930
Front Scale (extended): 27cm // K, A [ B, CI, C ] D, L \\ 10.5inch
Back scale: [ S, S&T, T ]
Multilined Cursor (repaired, does not seem to be the original frame, which should be metal)
Note:28cm long, Extruded Aluminum construction, Railroad Track style divisions, photo printed using 'Photal Process'
This version has a stamped back plate similar to the 'Universal' in the ISRM collection.
Scan By Gonzalo Martin Collection,

Maurice Damien AAF40-4 Aviation Flight Computer

Maurice Damien AAF40-4 Aviation Flight Computer
Made in France - c1930
Front Scale (extended): Distance (Time (Minutes), Time (Hours), Temp Air, Altimeter Correction
Back scale: Course and Wind Drift Correction
Note: Photo printed using 'Photal Process'
Scan By Gonzalo Martin Collection,


Tavernier-Gravet (1867-1972)
Instruments de Mathématiques
Fabrique de Régles a Calul, fondee en 1820
19, Rue Mayet; ci-devant, 39, rue de Babylone, Paris, France

Tavernier-Gravet Slide Rules Chronology by Panagiotis Venetsianos, JOS Vol.11, No.2, Fall 2002

Tavernier-Gravet (Early Lenoir Design) c1840-1869

Tavernier-Gravet (Early Lenoir Design) c1840-1869
Made in France by Tavernier-Gravet Secretan A Paris, 39 Rue de Babylon, Paris.- design by Lenoir.
Front Scale: 26cm, A [ B, B ] C || 26cm
Well: 26-52CM
Back of Slide: S 0-90, T 0-45,L
Back: Conversions, Weights (partial label in French)
Tom Dilatush Collection, USA

K&E Early Import

K&E Early Import
Made in France for K&E by Tavernier-Gravet
Front Scale: 20cm // A [ B, C ] D || 20cm
Back Scale: [ S, L, T ]
Back: Equivalents (conversion factors)
Note: Medaillis d'Or 1878 et 1889 - This means a gold medal for excellence
Archive: Herman van Herwijnen SRC


Tavernier-Gravet - c1900
Made in France- Rue Mayet 19, Paris
Front Scale: 25cm // A, DF [ CF, CI, C ] D \\ 25cm
Back Scale (Slide): [S, L, T ]
Cursor: Brass Chisel Point
Archive - Rod Lovett Collection

Tavernier-Gravet Chisel Cursor Mannheim


Tavernier-Gravet Chisel Cursor Mannheim- 1889-1898
Made in France - Rue Mayet 19, Paris
Front Scale: 25cm // A [ B, C ] D
Back Scale (Slide): [S, L, T ]
Back: Equivalents (French)
Scan Courtesy of Tom Dilatush Collection

Tavernier-Gravet Chisel Cursor Mannheim Cellulous Laminate

Tavernier-Gravet Chisel Cursor Mannheim Cellulous Laminate- c1900
Made in France - Rue Mayet 19, Paris Shows Medailles d' ord 18778 et 1889 (another medal was won in 1900)
Front Scale: 25cm // A [ B, C ] D
Well: 26-51.5cm
Back Scale (Slide): [S, L, T ]
Back: Equivalents (French)
Gift of Debbie Dilatush, Tom Dilatush Collection

Tavernier-Gravet c1910

Tavernier-Gravet - c1910
Made in France - Rue Mayet 19, Paris
Material: Pearwood
Front Scale: 25cm // A, [ B, C ] D || 25cm
Well: 28-53.6cm
Back Scale (Slide): [S, L, T ]
Cursor: Cast Brass frame with glass lens with hairline
Back: Equivalents in French
Note: Has 48 π on end of stock and slide. These are either lot codes and/or maker marks.
Original owner: H.M.J. scratched on cursor and on cardboard sleeve.
Gift of Phillip Rodley, Upper Hutt, New Zealand
Phillip Rodley

Tavernier-Gravet Beghin Model Depose 10-3

Tavernier-Gravet Beghin Model Depose 10-3
Made in France
Front Scale (unmarked)
27cm // A, DF [ CF, CI, C ] D, K || L
Back Slider
[ S, T, B ]
Back: Equivalents and Conversion factors
Note: Early riveted laminated wood stock, railroad track divisions, Metal framed multi-hairline glass cursor.
Scan Courtesy of Giovanni Brenda Collection, Italy

Tavernier-Gravet Beghin

Tavernier-Gravet Beghin - c1920
Made in France - Rue Mayet 19, Paris
Front Scale: 25cm // A, DF [ CF, CI, C ] D, K, L
Back Scale (Slide): [S, T, B ]
Cursor: 3 hairlines
Scan Courtesy of Giovanni Breda Collection

Tavernier-Gravet Mannheim

Tavernier-Gravet Mannheim - dc8-28 (Aug 1928)
Made in France - Rue Mayet 19, Paris
Front Scale: 25cm // A [ B, C ] D
Back Scale (Slide): [S, L, T (inverted) ]
Back: Equivalents (French)
Scan Courtesy of Tom Dilatush Collection

Tavernier-Gravet Plastic

Tavernier-Gravet Plastic - c1950
Made in Paris, France
Front Scale (extended)
25cm // A [ B, CI, C ] D
Back Scale (Slide): [S, S&T, T ]
Scan Courtesy of Tom Dilatush Collection

Tavernier-Gravet Plastic Electro

Tavernier-Gravet Plastic Electro - c1950
Made in Paris, France. "62" on end of stock and slide. Aluminum framed cursor.
Front Scale (extended): 25cm // LL2, A [ B, CI, C ] D, LL3
Well Scales: DYNAMO-MOTEUR, VOLT# Back Scale (Slide): [S, S&T, T ]
Tom Dilatush Collection

Tavernier-Gravet Plastic

Tavernier-Gravet Plastic - c1950
Made in Paris, France
Front Scale (extended)
25cm // A [ B, CI, C ] D
Back Scale (Slide): [S, S&T, T ]
Scan Courtesy of Rod Lovett Collection

Tavernier-Gravet Beghin

Tavernier-Gravet Beghin - dc 7-23(july 1923)
Made in France - Rue Mayet 19, Paris
Front Scale: 35cm // A, DF [ CF, CI, C ] D, K, L
Back Scale (Slide): [S, T, B ]
Cursor: 3 hairlines
Scan Courtesy of Tom Dilatush Collection

Copyright © 2003-
International Slide Rule Museum