Manuals are in

Volume 35
Flight Computers

Aerospace Related Slide Rules (Flight-Navigation/Rocketry/NASA)

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tax deductable
Volume 16
Air/Sea Nav

Volume 18
These are non-military specimens and images used in the advancement of aviation and Space Science for peaceful purposes, although most have their roots in WWII (like the one used with the German V2 Rocket) and the Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer. As can be expected, these are more modern variations. We've included some slide rules used by persons of notoriety in the rocketry and NASA. Some of these slide rule images are duplicated on their respective manufacturer or country gallery pages.
More Aerospace and Aviation images may be found on the Historical Photos, People with SRs and Ephemera Gallery

Catagories of Aerospace slide rules and flight computers, arranged by style, then alphabetically by maker.
Historical Aerospace People with Slide Rules Photos
Long Linear Slide Rules (Typically Pilot Balloon and Airships)
Slide Rules used in Rocketry and by Notable Pioneers in the Field
Aircraft Load Adjuster (Weight and Balance slide rules
Dalton Style Dead Reckoning Computers (E6-B's) with Wind Drift Slides (WWWI and Modern Variants)
Circular E6-B Style Flight Computers (without wind drift slides) and True-Air-Speed Computers
Miscellaneous Linear Flight and True-Air-Speed Computers

Manuals for specimens in this gallery are reprinted in Volumes 16, 18 & 35

Historical Aerospace People with Slide Rules Photos

Test Pilot Student and Instructor
at USAF Test Pilot School, Edwards AFB

Sir Franck Whittle Turbine

Moscow Museum Of Cosmonautics exhibit. Slide rules used by Chief Designer S.P. Korolev, Deputy Chief Designer B.E. Chertok, and Deputy Chief Designer V.P. Mishin. . Photo provided by Dr. Keith M. Brandt

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906-1965) Chief Designer Of Soviet Spacecraft

Air Navigation by Herbert S. Zim, 1943 US Army Pilots Doing Dead Reckoning Flight Planning

Giovanni Battista Caproni 1886-1957 Italian Aeronautical Engineer and founder of The Caproni Aircraft Mfg. Co. He stands in the nose of a 1915 Ca.32 photo contributed by Alessandro Scallini

NASA Display, Astronaut Neil Armstrong's Slide Rule (Apollo 11)

Slide Rule Scenes From the Movie Apollo 13 - Watch for slide rules being used in mission control

Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Display, Sergei P. Korolev (Nestler 23R Slide rule)

Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Display, Wernher Von Braun (both Albert Nestler model Nr.37 Electro Slide rule)

NASA Ames. Historical Recruiting poster (c1950) of Cleve E Voss holding model of B-47, Douglas D-558-2, 6x6ft w.t. & slide rule NOTE: Poster recovered from Voss's wife.

Long Linear Slide Rules (Pilot ballon and Airships)

BRL - Pilot Balloon Slide Rule - Mark IV.A


Scales (Railroad Track style divisions):

E = elevation
A = azimuth
K = graticule constant
l = Length of tail
m = apparent length of tail in graticule units (See page 26 of Met O. 804)
D = total distant traveled by balloon
DE, DN = easterly and northerly components of this distance
VW to E, VS to N = easterly and northerly components of distance traveled in the one minute interval
h = height of balloon above starting point.

BRL - Pilot Balloon Slide Rule - Mark IV.A. MET reference No.868.A
Made in England by BRL - Weymouth, England
Scan provided by Steve Seale Collection, Nashhville, Tennessee.
This is a Mark IV.A Pilot Balloon Slide Rule manufactured in 1959.. It measures 63cm[24.75in] long, 6.3cm[2.5in] wide and 12mm[0.5in] thick. The printed scales are engraved in the plastic faces. The slide rule has 4 captive cursors that ride in slots on the top and bottom edges. Each can be moved independently of one another. Steel knobs at both ends of the slide facilitate movement of the slide. These were made for and used by UK Government agencies, and not individuals. The Met.(meteorological) Office of the United Kingdom designated at least 6 different Pilot Balloon slide rule models. The first model in appearing 1915 made of wood by J.J. Hicks with two slides and introduction of the final, MK 5 model in the Late 1960's. see for more detailed information on the Mark IV.A

Blundell-Harling - Pilot Balloon Slide Rule - Mark 5



E = elevation
A = azimuth
K = graticule constant
l = Length of tail
m = apparent length of tail in graticule units (See page 26 of Met O. 804)
D = total distant traveled by balloon
DE, DN = easterly and northerly components of this distance
VW to E, VS to N = easterly and northerly components of distance traveled in the one minute interval
h = height of balloon above starting point.

Blundell-Harling - Pilot Balloon Slide Rule - Mark 5. MET reference No. 29550
Made in England by Blundell Harling Ltd - Weymouth, England
Original owner was a residant of New Zealand and used it in Antartica, most likely working out of the Campbell Island Station.
This is a Mark 5 Pilot Balloon Slide Rule manufactured around 1968. It measures 63cm[24.75in] long, 6.3cm[2.5in] wide and 12mm[0.5in] thick. The printed scales are engraved in the plastic faces. The slide rule has 4 captive cursors that ride in slots on the top and bottom edges. Each can be moved independently of one another. Steel knobs at both ends of the slide facilitate movement of the slide. These were made for and used by UK Government agencies, and not individuals. The Met.(meteorological) Office of the United Kingdom designated at least 6 different Pilot Balloon slide rule models. The first model in appearing 1915 made of wood by J.J. Hicks with two slides and introduction of the final, MK 5 model in the Late 1960's. see for more detailed information on the Mark 5.

Gift of Phillip Rodley of UpperHutt, New Zealand This slide rule and others in the ISRM archives and galleries were donated through the generosity and support of Phillip Rodley. Phil is very enthusiatic in finding slide rules in New Zealand that are not available to the rest of the world, and gifting them to ISRM. He enjoys the American brands that have leather sleeves and belt loops.

Albert Nestler Zeppelin Slide_rule c1914


Albert Nestler Zeppelin Slide Rule c1914
Made in Germany by Albert Nestler, Lahr.
Physical Size: 530 cm x 82 cm x 12 mm.
Scales: C [ Gas: t C° bel bmin ] [ bmin ] [ Mom. Gas: t C° ] [ Mon. Luft: t C° ]
Archive - Zeppelin museum in Friedrichshafen, Germany
It was in the wake of World War I that Eckener made perhaps his greatest contribution to the survival of the zeppelin. After the War, Germany was required to pay heavy reparations, not only for the war itself, but also for the destruction of German zeppelins by their crews, who preferred to destroy their own ships rather than allow them to fall into the hands of the Allies (in the way German sailors scuttled their ships at Scapa Flow). Eckener convinced the Allies to allow the Zeppelin Company to build a new ship, LZ-126, to be delivered to the Americans as ZR-3 USS Los Angeles in partial satisfaction of these reparation obligations.The construction of LZ-126 kept the Zeppelin Company alive, maintaining not only its plant and equipment, but also its workforce of its highly skilled employees. The construction and operation of LZ-126 also provided Eckener and his colleagues with the knowledge and experience they would use to build Graf Zeppelin and Hindenburg..

Slide Rules used in Rocketry and by Notable Pioneers in the Field

V2 Rocket Ballistic Ranging Slide Rule


V2 Rocket at Pennemünde

Note from ISRM curator, Michael Konshak, who is certified to build and fly high powered rockets: On the V-2 Rocket slide rule, all the scales are a variation of High vertical climb (maximum altitude), maximum range, burn closing speed. The V2 ballistic missile would shut off its motor at some point in its flight (burn closing speed) which was the maximum velocity at that point, which was determined by it s inertial guidance system. This would vary based on the desired range. At that point it went from the boost phase to the coast phase and begin slowing down due to parasitic drag and fell (still very fast) to its intended target. It was was not very accurate as it only went in the compass direction it was told to go. Full cutoff determined the range. This slide rule was not very different from other artillery calculators.

V2 Rocket Ballistic Ranging Slide Rule - c1942
Made in Germany - Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde (Army Research Center Peenemünde)
Scales: Interpretation provided by Dr. Klaus Schug, as follows:
From distance from Pennemünde to London is about 950 KM or almost 600 miles. This would be the Maximale Reichweite = 950 KM. Its maximum vertical height was between 50 to 60 miles (80 to 95 KM) for long-range targets. This would be the senkrechte Steighöhe = say 90 KM.
I. zur senkr Steighohe - Vertical height in meters. Using 9.0 or 90,000 meters = 90 KM as the heigth for reaching London from Peenemünde to London
II. zur Maximale Reichweite - Using 90 KM (9x10*4) on scale I , then scale II would read about 7000 kg/m*2 = Ballistische belastung = 5163.2 lb.ft of load or stress on the rocket
III. senkrechte Steighohe - Looks like this scale was only for very short distances up to 80 KM using the top of scale IV as the distance desired and then looking at III to see how high up the rocket had to go to reach the distances on the top of scale IV.
IV. Maximale Reichweite - using this scale with III gave the maximum distance for the height in scale III.
V. zur max. Reichw. - Using the bottom of the scale, scale V, to hit longer distances, say 950 KM to hit London, yields on scale V.
VI. Brennschlussgeschwindigkeit - Yields a end of burn velocity 900 m/sec to reach London or a target at 950 KM.
Archive - Image from Pennemünde Museum

GE Space Propulsion

GE Space Propulsion Calculator
Made in USA - GE Flight propulsion Laboratory
Front Scale: Beam Power, Thrust, Propellant consumption,
Specific Impulse, Exhaust velocity
Rear Scale: Planetary data and constants, 


GE Re-Entry Heating Slide Rule For Zero-Lift Vehicles

GE Re-Entry Heating Slide Rule For Zero-Lift Vehicles
Made in USA - GE Missile and Space Vehicle Dept., Dept of Defense.Electronics Division, Philadelphia, PA
Front Scale: 18 scales, 12 slides.
Back: Instructions.

USAF The Solar System Guide To The Nine Planets

USAF The Solar System Guide To The Nine Planets
Made in USA - US Air Force
Front Scale: Planet diameter, Veliocity, Moons, Distance from sun, gravity, etc.
Specific Impulse, Exhaust velocity
Rear Scale: Planetary description;

Martin Space Rule - 1960 Prototype


Above: Michael Stoiko with colleagues at Martin, His copyright release from Martin Co. when he filed a patent disclosure. and some of the 12 book covers written by Michael Stoiko. Many are still available in the used market.
Martin Space Rule - 1960 Prototype
Made in USA Designed by Michael Stoiko of Martin Marietta Space Systems, Colorado. His name appears on the front of the slide.
Construction: 12in long x 2-1/4in wide x 3/8in thick. Duplex style Cursor
Front Scale: λ, K4, K3, K2, K1 [ Ispsec, K0, %Wpr, C ] D, K', %Wd
Back Scale: (ε)ecc, Va, ha,hm, τ,V1, V2, Rj, γBo, TF, Ha, hc
Well: Planet, Escape Velocity (fps), Radius(st. mi.)
Slide Back: V3, Time of Travel (years), (Ra/Re)
Original owner: Michael Stoiko (1919-2010) designer of the Martin Space Rule
Gifted by Jane Kennedy of Baltimore, Maryland, daughter of Michael Stoiko.
Michael Stoiko - (1919-2010) United States. Aeronautical Engineer and designer of the Martin Space (slide) Rule. He was an executive at the Martin Company when he designed the slide rule and was granted the patent. In 1940, he enlisted in the Marine Corps, and after completing flight training was assigned as a pilot and flight mechanic to Marine Aircraft Group 13 in the Pacific during World War II. He earned a degree in aeronautical engineering in 1949 from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Stoiko's career began at General Electric Co. where he was a missile systems designer assigned to Project Hermes. He was a pioneer in the American Space Program, working on the captured German V-2 rockets (Operation Paperclip at White Sands missile Range), Proficient in German, he was able to study the captured V-2 documents. In 1954, Mr. Stoiko came to Baltimore and went to work for the Glenn L. Martin Co., later Martin Marietta, in Middle River, as a member of the team that designed the Viking, Vanguard, Titan 1, Titan 2 and Titan 3 missiles. He authored 12 space-related books including a groundbreaking history of Soviet Rocketry based on never before source material sent to him by the Soviet space program. He was one of the first to strategize about the need for space rescue and presented his findings internationally and before Congress. After leaving Martin Marietta in 1970, Mr. Stoiko spent the last 19 years of his career as research and development program manager for the Navy's Naval Sea System Command. On June 26, 1987 he was awarded the Department of the Navy Superior Civilian Service Award, the second highest Civilian Navy Award. Michael Stoiko retired in 1989.

Aristo 80123 Martin Space Rule 1962

Aristo 80123 Martin Space Rule 1962
Designed by Michael Stoiko (1919-2010), Made in Germany by Aristo for Martin Marietta Space Systems, Colorado
Construction: Plastic 18cm (7in) long x 3.8cm x 0.5cm
Front Scale: λ, K4, K3, K2, K1 [ Ispsec, K0, %Wpr, C ] D, K', %Wd
Back Scale (no slide, uses hairline): (ε)ecc, Va, ha,hm, τ,V1, V2, Rj, γBo, TF, Ha, hc
Well: Planet, Escape Velocity (fps), Radius(st. mi.)
Slide Back: V3, Time of Travel (years), (Ra/Re)
Archive - Scan provided by Rod Lovette Collection, UK.

The Aristo 80123 blueprint, and other photos, for the Martin Space Rule was provided by Michael Soiko's daughter, Jane Kennedy of Baltimore, Maryland.

Space Vehicle Pocket Designer for Three Stage Rockets

Space Vehicle Pocket Designer for Three Stage Rockets
Made in USA by the Martin Company (1959)
Front Scale: Planetary Orbits, Velocity, Weight Index (Vacumm Specific Impulse)
Courtesy Of Paul Ceruzzi, National Air And Space Museum

REF G.Peach System Temperature (TMOON) Slide Rule

Surveyor 3 Spacecraft, Gareth Peach 1969 and 2012

UK Daily Mail article July 23, 2009

Who really coined the phrase:
"That's one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind."?
G.Peach System Temperature (TMOON) Slide Rule
Made in UK/Australia - Designed and built By Gareth Peach,G7SLL, GSFDE
Front Scale: Ts °K [ dB Ao-An, db An-Aa ] Ts. To, Tn
Construction: Laminated Traffolyte engraving material glued to an off-cut of 1/8" thick aluminium sheet material rough sawn to size.
Archive - Scan/history provided by Gareth (Gary) Peach
Gary, a British Scientist in Berkshire, designed this custom one-of-a kind slide rule to calculate the Temperature of the Moon (TMOON) during the exciting opening moments of the first lunar soft landing of the NASA spacecraft "Surveyor 3" in 1967. Surveyor 3 was the second spacecraft of the Surveyor series to achieve a lunar soft landing. The sliderule was used on a day to day basis to calibrate the radio telescope. Gary had been employed at the Tidbinbilla Tracking Station, on the Deep Space Instrumentation Facility 42 (DSIF 42, later known as DSN 42), ACT, Australia, as a Space Tracking Technician for the MSN 42 Apollo mission, in 1969. He was employed there from 1964 until 1973. Some of Gary's duties at Tidbinbilla in his own words.

REF Pickett N600-ES Log Log - Buzz Aldrin Apollo 11

Buzz Aldrin, In Apollo 11 Capsule, Auction Letter,
Pickett N600-ES Log Log Duplex - Buzz Aldrin Apollo 11
Made in USA - Flown to to the moon July 20, 1969
Front Scale: LL1+.01/-.01, A [ B, ST, T T, S Cos, C ] D, DI, K
Back Scale: LL2+.1/-.1, DF [ CF, Ln, L, CI, C ] D, LL3+1/-1
This is a scan of the actual slide rule that was taken to the moon by astronaut Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin on July 20, 1969. It was sold at a Heritage Auction Galleries on September 21, 2007 and brought $77,675.00 from a serious collecter. His letter of authentication is shown.

Note: the photo of Buzz Aldrin with a slide rule floating in space was on his November 13, 1966 Gemini 12 flight. This was an error propagated by ISRM, so I apologize for the confusion.

K&E N4083-3S Log Log Duplex Vector


Vern with a Saturn 1B (1969) and with Mike Konshak(2009) shown donating his personal slide rule to ISRM.
K&E 4083-3 Log Log Duplex Vector S/N 485861
Made in U.S.A.
Front Scale: Note: 5,10, 20 div/deg
L, LL01, LL1, A [ B, T Cot, ST, S Cos ] D, Th, Sh2, Sh1
Back Scale: LL02, LL03, DF [ CF, CIF, CI, C ] D, LL3, LL2
Donated by Vernon Estes, Canyon City, Colorado.. Founder of Estes Industries who made the first safe black powder rocket motors in 1958 used by members of the newly formed National Association of Rocketry (NAR) . Vern purchased this slide rule in downtown Denver, Colorado in 1948 when he was in his 3rd year at Westminster Union High School. He used it for advanced math classes in high school, then later at Central College in McPherson, Kansas. He later founded Estes Industries which began his career in model rocketry. He says "my trusty slide rule was an indispensible companion". Based on his own experiences, he offered slide rules (see the Pickett 120) in his sales literature (circa 1964) to help young rocketeers (of which the curator of ISRM was one). Vern engraved his name on the slide rule so it would not get mixed up with his brother Earl Estes' slide rule, who bought his at the same time and later used it in his engineering career at Hughes Aircraft.

REF Post 1462H PostTrig
Post 1462H - PostTrig
Made in Occupied Japan by Hemmi
Front Scale: LL0, LL00, A [ B, K, L, C ] LL3, LL2, LL1
Back Scale: T, DF [ CF, CIF, CI, C ] D, S, T
Owned by William S. Roe who help found the National Association of Rocketry in 1958. This slide rule can be seen doing Altitude Redustion in an eary NAR 16mm promotional movie. The hands in the picture belong to Bill's son, John Roe, who helped provide the scan. Bill used this slide rule in Japan when he was stationed there. Bill was a great influence and father figure to many young rocketeers of that era including the curator of ISRM.

REF A4D Skyhawk Computer Mil-C-15794

A4D Skyhawk Computer Mil-C-15794
Made in USA - Alegheny Plastics.
Owned by Astronaut Paul Weitz
B.Sc., Aeronautical Engineering, Pennsylvania State Univ.,1954; M.Sc., Aeronautical Engineering, USN Postgraduate School,1964; Received Naval commission and served a year at sea before entering flight school and receiving pilots wings in 1956. Remained with the USN, serving in various capacities until selected by NASA in 1966. 1973, CMP of the first NASA space station mission where he assisted in the repair of the Skylab Orbital Workshop performing 2 EVA's during his near one month stay. 1983, CDR of the maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle Challenger which featured the first EVA's of the Shuttle program. Following STS-6, named Deputy Director, Johnson Space Center where he remained until retirement from NASA in May 1994.

Astronaut Paul Weitz on Skylab 2 at the controls of the Apollo Telescope Mount. Notice the circular slide rule mounted at the top of the panel.

Aircraft Load Adjuster (Weight and Balance slide rules (circa WWII)

AT-9/9A (Jeep)Load Adjuster Slide Rule (c1944)


AT-9/9A (Jeep) Load Adjuster Slide Rule (c1941)
Made in USA by Cox & Stevens for the U.S. Government.
The Curtiss-Wright AT-9 Jeep was a twin-engined advanced trainer aircraft used by the United States during World War II to bridge the gap between single-engined trainers and twin-engined combat aircraft. The AT-9 had a low-wing cantilever monoplane configuration, retractable landing gear and was powered by two Lycoming R-680-9 radial engines. The AT-9 was purposely designed to be less stable and proved to be difficult to fly or land, which made it particularly suitable for teaching new pilots to cope with the demanding flight characteristics of a new generation of high-performance, multi-engined aircraft such as the Martin B-26 Marauder and Lockheed P-38 Lightning. The first prototype Model 25 flew in 1941 and the production version entered service as the AT-9 in 1942. Named the "Fledgling" by Curtiss-Wright, it commonly became known as the "Jeep" in the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF). A total of 491 AT-9s were built before production ended and a new production run of 300 of the generally similar AT-9A commenced. Because of its difficult flying characteristics the AT-9 was not offered for sale to civilians after the war, although many non-flying examples were given to ground schools for training purposes. Reference: wikipedia
Scan by Noah Stegman of the Tri-State Warbird Museum in Batavia, Ohio.

B-17G Bomber Load Adjuster Slide Rule (c1944)


B-17G Bomber (Flying Fortress) Load Adjuster Slide Rule
Made in USA by Cox & Stevens for the U.S. Government.
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engined heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps. The B-17 was primarily employed by the USAAF in the daylight strategic bombing campaign of World War II against German industrial, military and civilian targets. The United States Eighth Air Force, based at many airfields in central, eastern and southern England, and the Fifteenth Air Force, based in Italy, complemented the RAF Bomber Command's night-time area bombing in the Combined Bomber Offensive to help secure air superiority over the cities, factories and battlefields of Western Europe in preparation for the invasion of France in 1944. The B-17 also participated to a lesser extent in the Pacific War, early in World War II, where it conducted raids against Japanese shipping and airfields. From its prewar inception, the USAAC (by June 1941, the USAAF) promoted the aircraft as a strategic weapon; it was a relatively fast, high-flying, long-range bomber with heavy defensive armament at the expense of bombload. It developed a reputation for toughness based upon stories and photos of badly damaged B-17s safely returning to base. The B-17 dropped more bombs than any other U.S. aircraft in World War II. Of approximately 1.5 million tons of bombs dropped on Nazi Germany and its occupied territories by U.S. aircraft, over 640 000 tons (42.6%) were dropped from B-17s In addition to its role as a bomber, Reference: Donated by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate collection.

B-24 (D,E,G,H,J) Bomber Load Adjuster Slide Rule (1944)


Lyle Wells and wife Antoinette in Belgium, 1946
B-24 (D,E,G,H,J) Bomber Load Adjuster Slide Rule sn49085
Made in USA by Cox & Stevens for the U.S. Government.
Reference: PB4Y-1. For Aircraft Tail Number 49085
The Consolidated-built heavy bomber was produced in more numbers than any other U. S. World War II combat aircraft. Over 18,000 of these versatile four-engine bombers were built for the U.S. Army Air Corps, Navy, and Allies from 1939-1945 by Consolidated plants in San Diego and Fort Worth, by Henry Ford at Willow Run, MI, and by North American at Dallas. Donated by Lyle Wells of Henderson, Nevada
Lyle Wells was born May 26, 1923. He married his wife, Antoinette, in 1946 in Belgium while he was in the Army. They were married for 65 years and have one son. Lyle was drafted on March 12, 1943 and served until 1953 spending most of his time in France, Belgium and Germany as a master sargeant in the 515 engineer outfit. After returning to the United States, Lyle was an operating engineer for over 20 years and also owned two businesses. He was a recreational pilot and remembers needing to have a slide rule in order to obain his pilot's license. Although he was only able to go to school until the 8th grade before having to earn a living. Lyle remembers that his wife, who spoke 5 languages, was always better than him with the slide rule. At 89 years of age as of 2012, Lyle rides his mountain bike an average of 10-15 miles per day and the only pills he takes are vitamins. (Biography contributed by Donna Silva of Wishing Well Glass.

B-24 (D,E,G,H,J) Bomber Load Adjuster Slide Rule (1944)


Kenneth Edward Ervin working at the B-24 Project, Oklahoma City plant, 1944 (above, back row 2nd from left). Photos on right from WWII in the Navy and at Koppers Co.
B-24 (D,E,G,H,J) Bomber Load Adjuster Slide Rule sn57525
Made in USA by Cox & Stevens for the U.S. Government.
Reference: PB4Y-1. For Aircraft Tail Number 57525
The Consolidated-built heavy bomber was produced in more numbers than any other U. S. World War II combat aircraft. Over 18,000 of these versatile four-engine bombers were built for the U.S. Army Air Corps, Navy, and Allies from 1939-1945 by Consolidated plants in San Diego and Fort Worth, by Henry Ford at Willow Run, MI, and by North American at Dallas. Donated by Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, California. daughter of Kenneth Edward Ervin
Kenneth Edward Ervin, Sr. (1920-2002) was born in San Diego, California while his father was serving in the armed forces. He was sent as a child to exclusive boarding schools and spent summers on his grandmother's farm in Media, Pennsylvania. He graduated from St. Andrew's School in Middleton , Deleware in 1939. He meet his wife. Alice Richard, while working summers at Ashley park, New Jersey. and were married in 1940. He attended Roosevelt Aviation School on Long Island and became a certified A&P aircraft mechanic and pilot and took a job with Pan American Airlines in Florida.He attended the University of Michigan, majoring in Aeronautical engineering and worked at the B-24 bomber plant in Willow Run. He was drafted into the U.S. Navy in 1944. He sustained back injuries on a Navy supply ship,.After his recovery he reloacated his family in 1951 to accept a job with the Flying Tingers in California, He later worked for the Southport Engineering Co, part of Koppers, and eventually retired in 1984 and opened his own business "Ervinair" offering flight instruction, instrument ratings, FAA inspections and mechanical services at Brackett Airfield in San Dimas. He flew a Cessna 182 into his 70's.flying airplanes a total of sixty years. He was married for sixty two years and raised four children..

B-25J Load Adjuster Slide Rule


B-25J Load Adjuster Slide Rule
Made in USA - Cox and Stevens Aircraft Co.Mineola, NY
Reference PBJ-1J.
The North American B-25 was among the famous twin engine medium bombers used during World War II. It was the most widely produced American twin engine combat aircraft, with approximately 10,000 produced, in a total of 8 major models. No doubt, part of its heroic stature derives from its namesake, the outspoken Gen. Billy Mitchell who proved once and for all that bombers could destroy targets, and that wars would nevermore be decided only on land or sea. The B-25 achieved worldwide fame on April 18, 1942. Sixteen B-25's, under the command of Lt. Col. James Doolittle, were launched from the aircraft carrier Hornet in a daring raid on five Japanese cities including Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Kobe.
Archive - Scan donated by Richard Davis, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

B-34 B-37 Lockheed Ventura Load Adjuster Slide Rule (1942)


B-34 B-37 Lockheed Ventura Load Adjuster Slide Rule Ship Load Adjuster Slide Rule
Made in USA - Cox and Stevens Aircraft Co.Mineola, NY
The Lockheed Ventura is a twin-engine medium bomber and patrol bomber of World War II that first entered combat in Europe as a bomber with the RAF in late 1942. Designated PV-1 by the United States Navy (US Navy), it entered combat in 1943 in the Pacific. The bomber was also used by the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), which designated it the Lockheed B-34 (Lexington) and B-37 as a trainer. British Commonwealth forces also used it in several guises, including antishipping and antisubmarine search and attack.Ex-military PV-1 Venturas from Canada and South Africa were converted by Howard Aero in San Antonio, Texas, in the 1950s and 1960s as high-speed executive transports. The earliest conversions, called Super Venturas, incorporated a 48 in (122 cm) fuselage stretch, extra fuel tankage, large picture windows, luxury interiors, and weapons bays transformed into baggage compartments. A notable crash of a civilian version occurred on December 17, 1954, killing four, including Fred Miller, president of the Miller Brewing Company and grandson of founder Frederick Miller. The company plane was bound for Winnipeg, Manitoba, but had trouble with both engines and crashed shortly after takeoff from Mitchell Field in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Reference: wikipedia
Scan by Noah Stegman of the Tri-State Warbird Museum in Batavia, Ohio.

S-42 Sikorsky Pan Am Clipper Ship Load Adjuster Slide Rule


S-42 Sikorsky Pan Am Clipper Ship Load Adjuster Slide Rule
Made in USA - Cox and Stevens Aircraft Co.Mineola, NY
The Sikorsky S-42 is regarded as the first truely American seaplane and was described as the "most beautiful aircraft of its time." Manufactured by the Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft Division of the United Aircraft Corporation in Stratford, Connecticut.. The aircraft first flew on March 30, 1934. A total of 10 aircraft were built. These were the first of the great Pan American Airways Clipper Flying Boats and the first true over ocean transport.

C119/RQ4 Load Adjuster Slide Rule


C119/RQ4 Load Adjuster Slide Rule
Made in USA - Cox and Stevens Aircraft Co.Mineola, NY
Gift of James Pennell Collection
The Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar (Navy and Marine Corps designation R4Q) is an American military transport aircraft developed from the World War II-era Fairchild C-82 Packet, designed to carry cargo, personnel, litter patients, and mechanized equipment, and to drop cargo and troops by parachute. The first C-119 made its initial flight in November 1947, and by the time production ceased in 1955, more than 1,100 C-119s had been built. Its cargo-hauling ability and unusual twin-boom design earned it the nickname "Flying Boxcar". Courtesy of Wikipedia

Dalton Style Dead Reckoning Computers (E6-B's) with Wind Drift Slides (WWWI and Modern Variants)

Aerodyne C1 Flight Computer (1972)

Aerodyne C1 Flight Computer (1972)
Commercial version made of bright Aluminum with nylon spacer.
Made in USA by Aerodyne, Inc.Houston, Texas.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift Of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate collection.

Aristo 661 Naviat - Nautical Navigation
Aristo 661 Naviat - Nautical Navigation (1972)
Made in Germany - 14cm Diameter, Labeled in German and English
Front Scale (6 scales): mult, div, speed, time, dist.
Back (3 scales): current speed, drift, Course/compass bearing
Archive - Uwe BB¨ttner Collection, Germany
Instructions (German) 7.72MB PDF.

Aero Products Research Pilot Type E6-3B Wind Triangle Computer (1965)

Aero Products Research Pilot Type E6-3B Wind Triangle Computer (1965)
Made of aluminum and plastic. Has repeating roller wind chart operated by thumb wheel.
Made in USA by Aero Products Research, Inc.11811 Teal Street, Culver City, California.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Caroline Soles and John Phillips. of High River, Alberta, Canada.

ASA Type E6-B Flight Computer (1992)

ASA Type E6-B Flight Computer (1992)
Commercial Version made of bright aluminum, Black text.5-inch diameter computer
Made in Korea by Aviation Supply & Acedemics, Inc. Newcastle, WA.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor Tate Collection..

Bastion Brothers Co Dalton Aircraft Navigation Computer, MarkVII 1934

Bastion Brothers Co Dalton Aircraft Navigation Computer, MarkVII 1934
Made in USA by Bastion Brothers Co 1934.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gifted by Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, California, K. Edward Ervin Collection.
Philip Dalton Biography Philip Dalton, LTJG (1903 - 1941) United States Military Scientist This plastic specimen, US Patent 2,013,603 does not have a separate sliding drift chart. Philip Dalton added a simple wind drift plotter to his 1934 E-1B Dead Reckoning Computer Model B, to create the Mark VII. It became the standard aerial navigation computer in the United States from 1935 as it was easier for pilots to use. It was the basis for his later patent 2,097,116 which had a separate plotter that slid within the Speed-Time-Distance circular slide rule and the compass rose, which became the widely used E-6B Dead Reckoning Computer used at the beginning of WWI.

J.B. Carol Type E-6B Dead Reckoning Computer

J.B. Carol Type E-6B Dead Reckoning Computer AN-C-74-A
Military Version made of Black Anodized Aluminum

Made in USA by J.B.Carol Co. Chicago. AN-C-74-AQ. Contract No.W535 AC340066
Invented by Philip Dalton, LTJG (1903 - 1941) United States Military Scientist
Patent: 2,097,116
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift of John J. Doudera of Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Cruver Co. U.S. Army Air Forces Type E6-B Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer (1941)


Cruver Building, 2456 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Ill. (1914-1959)
Cruver Co. U.S. Army Air Forces Type E6-B Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer (1941)
Military Version made of Stainless Steel, Plastic wind slide
Made in USA by Cruver Mfg. Co.,. Government Order No. 42-18252, Spec. No. 94-27892
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Original owner: Tech. Sgt. Max L. Winter, when he was a Marine during WWII. Etrched on the stock is: "John E. Winter from M.L.W."
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate Collection.

Curtis L. Cruver (1870-1958) founded Cruver Manufacturing Company of Chicago, Illinos, began by making celluloid novelties, like medallions, vanity cases and lady's powder boxes, competing against companies such as Parisian Novelties and G. Felsenthal. In 1922 the Cruver Manufacturing Company purchased the G. M. Proudfoot company from Mr. Proudfoot, who became the Chief Engineer of the Radio Division. During WWII they made various nautical and aviation instruments, along with other companies under military contracts for the war effort.

Maurice Damien AAF40-4 Aviation Flight Computer
Maurice Damien AAF40-4 Aviation Flight Computer
Made in France
Front Scale (extended): Distance (Time (Minutes), Time (Hours), Temp Air, Altimeter Correction
Back scale: Course and Wind Drift Correction
Note: Photo printed using 'Photal Process'
Scan By Gonzalo Martin Collection,

Fesenthal FAA-8 Dead Reckoning Computer (c1940-1944) (Type E6B) AN-5835-1 U.S. Army Version WWII


From Eyes of Artillery: The Origins of Modern U.S. Army Aviation in World War II (76MB PDF) by Edgar F. Raines, Jr.
R.F. Cassidy, Lt. Col (Later Major) is mentioned throughout the text. Col. Cassidy (retired) was inducted into the 1988 Army Aviation Hall of Fame and later interviewed by Edgar F. Raines during 1991.
Felsenthal FAA-8 Dead Reckoning Computer - (Type E6B) AN5835-1
Military Version made of Black Anodized Aluminum

Made in USA by G. Felsenthal & Sons, cWWII
Invented by Philip Dalton, LTJG (1903 - 1941) Patent: 2,097,116
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Original owner/user (written on sleeve): R.F. Cassidy, Lt. Col. U.S. Army (See bio below)
Gifted by the Ed Millis Collection, Dallas, Texas.
Robert F. Cassidy graduated from West Point in 1939 and was later a 1st Lt. in the 38th Field Artillery Battalion. In 1942, then CPT Robert F. Cassidy was designated as the principal air observer for the field testing of organic air observation for the Field Artillery with the 2nd Infantry Division competing with the Army Air Corps Observation School. The outstanding success of the artillery air observation post in the competition resulted in the approval of the concept by the War Department. Subsequently, Cassidy fought his way into the program at a time when regular Army officers, particularly West Point graduates, were being strongly advised by their superiors to avoid aviation as a "dead end street." On completion of flight training, Cassidy established the tactical training part of the Liaison Pilot Course and was responsible for all tactical training until 1944. He then transferred to the Eighth U.S. Army, where he was senior artillery aviation officer in the Pacific. Later, as the senior aviator in the Department of Air Training at Fort Sill, Okla., from 1950 to 1951, Cassidy was primarily responsible for the smooth, efficient expansion of flight training from a rate of 100 pilots per year to 2,600 to meet the requirements of the Korea Conflict ? an astounding increase. In 1951, he became the aviation officer in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics on the Army Staff. Because of numerous complaints from overseas field commanders regarding deficiencies in depot level supply and maintenance support, Cassidy proposed, prepared and successfully staffed a study on the transfer of all logistic support for Army aircraft from the Air Force. As the action officer for the entire project from 1952 until 1955, during which time there was almost unanimous opposition by the Army General Staff, as well as the USAF staff, Cassidy was able to overcome the opposition by his tactful persuasion and numerous revisions. By mid-1955, a memorandum of understanding was approved; resulting in the independent depot support structure for Army aviation. Cassidy was also the logistic member of a team that did the studies and sold the Army and the Joint Chiefs of Staff on expanding the experimental five-company cargo helicopter program to 12 battalions, and then procured the H-21 and H-34 helicopters to fill them. From 1957 to 1962, he served as the chief of the Aviation and Airborne Division, Materiel Development Section of the U.S. Continental Army Command, where he expertly guided the development and user tests for the H-37 and UH-1A through D model helicopters, and the CV-2A Caribou and the OV-1 Mohawk aircraft for the Army?s growing aviation arm. In his final assignment as assistant commandant of the U.S. Army Aviation School at Fort Rucker from 1963 to 1965, this master aviator judiciously directed the rapidly increasing training program, including the expansion of the Warrant Officer Candidate School and the Army aircraft maintenance program to support the growing conflict in Vietnam. A true aviation pioneer, superb trainer and logistician, and a major contributor to the success of Army Aviation from its inception, Cassidy is richly qualified to join the Army Aviation Hall of Fame.

Felsenthal FNA-8 Dead Reckoning Computer
(Type E6B) AN-5835-1 Military Version cWWII

Felsenthal FNA-8 Dead Reckoning Computer (Type E6B) AN-5835-1
Military Version made of Black Anodized Aluminum

Made in USA by G. Felsenthal & Sons. F.S.S.C. No.88-C-1120. Contract No.a(s)3127
Invented by Philip Dalton, LTJG (1903 - 1941) United States Military Scientist
Patent: 2,097,116
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
More Information: Made in Chicago Museum
Belonged to the Leroy G. (Jerry) Hausler collection. Gifted by his Family of Lakewood, Colorado
Leroy was a pharmacist who had a pharmacy in Seneca, South Carolina. He was a member of the Oughtred Society and enjoyed collecting slide rules during his retirement. His extensive collection appears in many of the ISRM galleries.

Felsenthal U.S. Army Air Forces (Dalton) Dead Reckoning Computer (c1935) Type E6B Military Version WWII

Felsenthal (Dalton) Dead Reckoning Computer - Type E6B
U.S. Army Air Forces Version made of Brushed Stainless Steel

Made in USA by Felsenthal & Sons, Chicago.
Purchase Order No. 42-18253-P, Specification No. 94-27892
Invented by Philip Dalton, LTJG (1903 - 1941) Patent: 2,097,116
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gifted by the Ed Millis Collection, Dallas, Texas.

Fesenthal Dead Reckoning Computer (U.S.Property) Type MB-4 (WWII)

Fesenthal Dead Reckoning Computer (U.S.Property) Type MB-4 (WWII) snAP6126079
U.S. Military Version made of Aluminum and plastic
Made in USA by Fesenthal Instruments Co., Chicago.
Purchase Order No. P-11425-61-L,, FSN 6606-526-5342, Specification No. MIL-C-5414B
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift Of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate collection.

Fesenthal Dead Reckoning Computer (U.S.Property) Type MB-4 (post WWII)

Fesenthal Dead Reckoning Computer (U.S.Property) Type MB-4 (post WWII) snAF6017225
U.S. Military Version made of Aluminum and plastic
Made in USA by G. Fesenthal & Sons, Inc., Chicago.
Contract No. AF 36(600)-8820, Stock No. 6203-6605-526-5342, Mfg's Part No. FAA-46C
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift Of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate collection.

Felsenthal Mark 1 Dial-A-Con Dalton E6-B


Alice S. Fuchs (1917-2012) - Was born in Poultney, Vermont. She went to Wilson College on a full four-year scholarship, graduating in 1938. She then attended Penn State University and received an M.A. in English. In the fall of 1939 at Penn State, She decided to learn to fly with Sherm Lutz at the airport at State College and there met her future husband and pilot, Bill Fuchs, an Air Force officer. (Continued on right)
Felsenthal Mark 1 Dial-A-Con Dalton E6-B (1968)
Made for Private Pilots, constructed of plastic, light blue stator, white dial, black spacer.
Made in USA by Fesenthal Instruments Co., Chicago, P/N FDF-17. US Patent 3,112,875. Belgium Patent 648,698
Note: Manual written by Alice S. Fuchs for Felsenthal.
Front Scale: Distance Nautical Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift Of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate collection.

(Cont'd) They were married in 1942. She joined flying clubs and pursued her passion for flying. In 1939 Alice and Bill bought a Piper J-3 Cub, the first of many aircraft they owned throughout the years. By 1945 she had earned her instructor's and instrument ratings. Alice began her career in 1940 as an instructor and Assistant Dean of Women at Hillyer Junior College in Hartford, Conn., teaching math and English. In 1946 she entered The University of Michigan, where she did further graduate work toward a Ph.D. program. She became a magazine article writer in 1947 and eventually published over 100 articles and at least one book on flying. Alice was the editor of the American Soaring Handbook, a series of ten books. She had many different flight ratings in multiple types of aircraft and was a true aviation pioneer. Alice was the first woman to teach cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, giving them flight instruction in gliders. She was also one of the first female FAA-designated flight examiners, giving flight tests for central Pennsylvania. She flew in two national air races and in her later years, along with her husband, ran the flight service business, Eagle Aviation at the Lock Haven airport. Bill Fuchs passed away in 2010.

Felsenthal CPU-26A/P Computer Air Navigation Pocket size


Felsenthal CPU-26A/P Computer Air Navigation 2.5in Wide Pocket size
Marked "U.S. Property". Made of Anodized Aluminum, 2.5in Wide by 7.5in long slide
Made in USA by Felsenthal Instruments Co.. Mfg No. FAA-93A, Specification MIL-C-27216A Contract N383-89295A
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gifted by Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, California. Daughter of Kenneth E. Ervin Sr. (Ervin Collection).

Felsenthal CPU-26A/P Version 1 U.S. Property Air Navigation Computer Pocket size


Felsenthal CPU-26A/P Version 1 U.S. Property Air Navigation Computer Pocket size
Marked "U.S. Property". Made of Anodized Aluminum 2.5in Wide by 7.5in long slide
Made in USA by Felsenthal Instruments Co.. FSN 6605-064-6911, Mfg No. FAA-93A, Specification MIL-C-27216A, Contract AF36(600)12306A
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate Collection

Felsenthal CPU-26A/P Version 2 Air Navigation Computer Pocket size


Felsenthal CPU-26A/P Version 2 Air Navigation Computer Pocket size
Made of Anodized Aluminum 2.5in Wide by 7.5in long slide
Made in USA by Felsenthal Instruments Co..Marked "Chicago". Mfg Part No. FAA-93A, Specification MIL-C-27216A.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate Collection

General Aero Products CPU-4AP Air Navigation Dead Reckoning Computer 3.25-inch Dia


General Aero Products CPU-4AP Air Navigation Dead Reckoning Computer 3.25-inch Dia
USAF isued Version marked U.S. Government Property. Made of Anodized Aluminum
Made in USA by General Aero Products. Mfg No. 89001-1, FSCM 28856, Mil-C-5414, 6605-00-064-6911. Contract F34601-81-D-0823
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Belonged to the John A. Roland who received these at his FB-111 Training.

Jardur 10-Second Flightmaster (c1937)


Jardur 10-Second Flightmaster (c1937)
Made in USA by Jardur Import Company, 21 W. 19th Street. New York, NY
Material: 6x6 inch hardboard with celluloid disks and transparant plotters.
Front Scale: Speed, Distance (miles or gallons), True Air Speed [ Time Mins, Hours Magnetic Courses Table. Air Temp °C ] D Pressure Altitude
Back: wind drift, compass variation. three adjustable transparent indicators
Gift of Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, CA, K.Edward Ervin Collection.
Samual W. Klepper. - Born in 1892 and raised by his Romanian parents in New York City, Samuel Klepper had always been excited by anything aeronautical, especially while in the military during WWI, One day he found his way to a 1917 Royal Aircraft S.E.5a biplane which was instrumental in providing air superiority on the Western Front. Samuel listed his profession as a radio jobber during the 1930 census and owned the radio franchise the Hamilton Radio Corporation with his brother in law, Wolfe Kalmin. Four years later, in 1934, Samuel changed the business name to the Pilgrim Electric Corporation. They specialized in selling radio receptors and supplying people who needed vacuum tube testers, radio analyzers, communicating receivers, and OHM's Law and resistor color code wheel charts. In 1937, based on Samuel's passion for all things aviation and his experience in the radio industry, specifically designing radio wheel charts, Samuel started integrating his passions. Samuel began producing precision avigation instruments like flight calculators, navigation plotters, protractors and his signature aviation tool, the Swiss-made Bezelmeter Aviation Chronograph. Samuel called his company the Jardur Import Company. Jadur presented their chronograph watch to General "Jimmy" Doolittle.

Jeppesen Sanderson Flight Computer (1981)

Jeppesen Sanderson Flight Computer (1981)
Commercial Version made of bright aluminum, Black text, 5-inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Jeppesen Sanderson. Quote from Captain E.B. Jeppesen, who founded Jeppesen Sanderson in 1934.: "The tools, guides, supplies, and resources the aviation industry depends on should be made by pilots for pilots." The company moved to Denver , Colorado in 1941 Note: The company, owned by Boeing as of 2000, publishes aviation navigation charts, test guides, and manuals and manufactures logbooks. flight bags, plotters, and more.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor Tate Collection..

Jeppeson CSG-1A Pilots Slide Graphic Computer

Jeppeson CSG-1A Pilots Slide Graphic Computer
Made in USA by Jeppeson, Denver, Colorado, c1977-1986
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
3-way slide: Sectional ands Wide Area Chart Scales, course protractor
Gifted by the Nancy Ulrich for the Ted Ulrich Collection

Kane Dead Reckoning Computer Model MK-6B (1957)

Kane Dead Reckoning Computer Model MK-6B (1957)
Commercial Version made of bright Aluminum.
Made in USA by Kane Aero Co..St. Paul, Minnisota
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift Of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate collection.

Harry H. Knepper U.S. Army Air Corps E6-B Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer (1941)

Harry H. Knepper U.S. Army Air Corps E6-B Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer (1941)
Military Version made of bright aluminum, black text, 5-inch diameter computer, plastic wind slide
Made in U.S.A by Harry H. Knepper, Inc. Contract No. AC-23661, Spec No. 94-27.892
Note: Records (unverified) indicate that a Harold H. Knepper died at age 104 in 2010. He invented a Timing Device for Auto Racing c1941.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, California. Daughter of Kenneth E. Ervin Sr. (Ervin Collection)..

Kenneth Edward Ervin Sr. (1920-2002), was an avid aviator and flew for 60 years. When he retired, he opened his own small business, Ervinair, at Brackett Airfield in La Verne, CA where he offered aircraft maintenance, annual inspections, and flying lessons.

Weems Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer (c1950)
Type E6B Commercial Version Post WWII

Weems Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer - Type E6B
Commercial Version made of Brushed Aluminum

Made in USA by Weems System of Navigation, Annapolis, Maryland, Post WWII
Invented by Philip Dalton, LTJG (1903 - 1941) Patent: 2,097,116

Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Donated By Carlee Heit in memory of her late husband Ray Heit. One of many specimens in Ray's collection
Instructions (8.51MB PDF)

Piper Aircraft Flight Computer (c1990)

Piper Aircraft Flight Computer (c1990)
Private pilot Version made of bright aluminum, blue text, 5-inch diameter computer
Made in Mexico by by Piper Aircraft (possibly designed by Jeppesen)
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor Tate Collection..

Safetech E6-B Flight Computer Model FDF-60

Safetech E6-B Flight Computer Model FDF-60
Made in USA by Safetech, Newtown, PA, c1977-1986
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Slide: Sectional ands Wide Area Chart Scales
Owner: Mike Konshak, Private Pilot with Instrument Rating
3.39MB PDF

Sanderson SC-3B Flight Computer (1972)

Sanderson SC-3B Flight Computer (1972)
Commercial Version made of bright aluminum, Blue text, 5-inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Jeppesen Sanderson. Quote from Captain E.B. Jeppesen, who founded Jeppesen Sanderson in 1934.: "The tools, guides, supplies, and resources the aviation industry depends on should be made by pilots for pilots." The company moved to Denver , Colorado in 1941 Note: The company went bt Sanderson from 192-1977, before switching to Jeppesen Sanderson..
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor Tate Collection..

Stanley U.S. Army Air Forces (Dalton) Dead Reckoning Computer (c1935) Type E6B Military Version WWII

Stanley (Dalton) Dead Reckoning Computer - Type E6B
U.S. Army Air Forces Version made of Brushed Stainless Steel

Made in USA by Stanley Manufacturing Co., Annapolis, Maryland,
Purchase Order No. 42-18801-P, Specification No. 94-27892
Invented by Philip Dalton, LTJG (1903 - 1941) Patent: 2,097,116
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gifted by the Ed Millis Collection, Dallas, Texas.

Telex Communications E-6B Computer FDF-57 Dead Reckoning Computer 5-inch Dia (1975)


Telex Communications E-6B Computer FDF-57 Dead Reckoning Computer 5-inch Dia (1975)
Made in USA by Telex Communications. Commercial Version made of Anodized Aluminum
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Note: 1966 Cessna 182J tail number N3322F written on slide rule and sleeve.
Belonged To Kenneth Edward Ervin of ErvinAir. Gifted by daughter, Andrienne Ervin

Telex Communications MB-4A Air Navigation Computer 5-inch Dia (1974)


John A. Roland is kneeling in the picture, see arrow.
Telex Communications MB-4A Air Navigation Computer 5-inch Dia (1974)
USAF issued Version made of Anodized Aluminum
Made in USA by Telex Communications. Mfg # FAA-46D, FSCM 28856, Mil-C-5414F, 6605-086-6693.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Belonged to the John A. Roland
John A Roland writes; "Attached is a formal picture of my graduating class of FB-111A Pilots and Navigators from the 4007th Combat Crew Training Squadron (CCTS) in 1977, Plattsburgh AFB NY. The manual navigation computers I sent to you were issued to students as part of the navigation training courses at Mather AFB, Sacramento CA, in 1976. I never used them in my assigned aircraft, the FB-111A, as its bomb-navigation system included two redundant computers integrated with on-board inertial gyroscope, forward-looking radar, doppler radar, astrocompass, and other sensors. We were moving too fast for any manual calculations. My airplane was 1960s technology, but fast and effective and a wonderful airplane and opportunity I'll always be grateful to have been assigned to - both initially at Pease AFB, NH, and later to Plattsburgh AFB. When I left the Air Force, my last active-duty assignment was in the Pentagon supporting the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Program Analysis & Evaluation (PA&E). I then worked as a Systems Engineer for SAIC Inc. for 12 years, but remained in the Pentagon supporting the Joint Staff, J-6 Directorate (C4ISR stuff). Then worked as a civil servant for the Dept. of Defense (DoD) CIO (yes still in the Pentagon, ugh) as a program analyst (budget) for 13 years, then since retired in late 2019. So basically for the rest of my career after leaving the FB-111A flying community and thereafter for all remaining years on active duty, then private contractor (SAIC), and then DoD civilian - flew a desk and stared into workstations. I am glad to be out of the Pentagon at last."

Things Company E6-B Flight Computer (1975)

Things Company E6-B Flight Computer (1975)
Private pilot Version made of bright aluminum, black text, 5-inch diameter computer
Made in U.S.A by Things Company, P.O. Box 4838, Irvine, California. Last known phone number:540-651-3831 (listed in manual)
Note: Little is known of this company. If anyone has background information on its founders, please contact ISRM.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, California. Daughter of Kenneth E. Ervin Sr. (Ervin Collection)..

Kenneth Edward Ervin Sr. (1920-2002), was an avid aviator and flew for 60 years. When he retired, he opened his own small business, Ervinair, at Brackett Airfield in La Verne, CA where he offered aircraft maintenance, annual inspections, and flying lessons.

Weems Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer (1932)
Type E6B AN-5835-1 Military Version cWWII

Weems Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer - Type E6B AN-5835-1
Military Version made of Black Anodized Aluminum

Made in USA by Weems System of Navigation, Annapolis, Maryland, 1932.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Donated by the estate of James Robert Weber, Lafayette, Colorado
James Robert Weber (1928-2010) Served in the U.S. Air Force, then joined Martin Marietta in Colorado and worked on the ICBM project. In 1965 he was hired on as pilot and technician for National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) flew many flights using a Cessna 172 and a T-28 into storms as part of the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE), and later the Microscale Meteorology Division. Later James was responsible for maintaining NCAR's link to the University Satellite Network which was connected to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and other U.S. research centers. He retired from NCAR in 1993 after 28 years of service. He is survived by his wife Lois Anne.

Weems Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer (1959)
Type E6B AN-5835-1 Commercial Version

Weems Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer - Type E6B AN-5835-1
Commercial Version made of White Plastic

Made in USA by Weems System of Navigation, Annapolis, Maryland, 1959.
Invented by Philip Dalton, LTJG (1903 - 1941) United States Military Scientist
Patent: 2,097,116
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gifted by the Ed Millis Collection, Dallas, Texas.

REF W&G Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer R.A.A.F. Mk 1
W&G Aerial Dead Reckoning Computer R.A.A.F. Mk 1
Made in Australia by White & Gillespie
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Scan provided by Cyril Catt. Australia

Circular E6-B Style Flight Computers (without wind drift slides) and True-Air-Speed Computers

REF Aristo 615 Aviat
Aristo 615 Aviat
Made in Germany - 14cm Diameter
Front Scale (22 scales)
mult, div, speed, time, dist, fuel consumption
Back (6 scales): speed, sine, compass bearing
Multi Archive - Rod Lovette Collection

B-47 Range Computer J-47-GE-23&25 Engines


B-47 Range Computer J-47-GE-23&25 Engines. c1948
8 inch diameter. Made in U.S. Government Restricted.
Used for computing fuel range and optimum altidude, factoring in gross weight and potential loss of an engine. USAF, specifically for the B-47 jet bombers using General Electric J-47 turbojet engines.
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate II collection.

B-47 Stratojet

Bureau of Aeronautics U.S. Navy Mark 8-A Aircraft Navigational Computer
Bureau of Aeronautics U.S. Navy Mark 8-A Aircraft Navigational Computer
Made in USA by Bureau of Aeronautics. F.S.S.C. No.18-C-1755-100
4-12in dia aluminum with four ears with holes that can be screwed to a panel. Front Scale: True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. (ETA, Air Speed ) Cal. Air Speed, Air Temp, True A.S. (presure Altitude, Density Altitude)
Back Scale: blank
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate II collection.
Note: The Bureau of Aeronautics was the U.S. Navy's material-support organization for naval aviation from 1921 to 1959.

Aero Products Research USAIG Time Rate Distance Fuel Computer
Aero Products Research USAIG Time Rate Distance Fuel Computer
Made in USA. 4in dia plastic, by Aero Products Research, Inc. 11201 Hindry Ave. Los Angeles, California.
Promotional item for United States Aircraft Insurance Group.(USAIG)
Front Scale: True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. (ETA, Air Speed ) Cal. Air Speed, Air Temp, True A.S. (presure Altitude, Density Altitude)
Back Scale: Advertising
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate II collection.

Aero Products Research CR-6 (Aviation) Computer

Aero Products Research CR-6 (Aviation) Computer
Made in USA by Aero Products Research, Los Angeles, CA.
6 inch Diameter, 5 disks + Cursor. Copyright 1974
Front Scale: Cal. Air Speed, True Air Speed, Temp Rise, Mach Number, TAS Knots, Speed/Fuel Conversions (Indicated Air Speed, CAS, Pressure Altitude, Indicated Air Temp )
Back Scale: True Air Speed Index, Magnetic Course, Relative Wind( True Course ( Wind Drift ))
Donated by Carlee Heit, Houston, Texas, in memory of Ray Heit. Ray Heit Collection.

American Airlines Navigational Computer Type "B" 1943


12.1MB PDF
American Airlines Navagitional Computer Type "B" 1943
Made in USA by American Airlines, Inc. Serial Number B-11139, 1941, rev 1942
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Original Owner: Charles H. Eaton (1913 - 1982)
Donated by Prof. Robert C. Eaton, Univ of Colorado, in memory of his father.
: Charles H. Eaton (1913 - 1982) used this slide rule from 1949-1972 as a professional pilot and aircraft engineer. He had his first airplane, a Curtis Junior, at 18 years old. Graduated in aeronautical engineering from California Polytechnic Institute in 1932. In the 1930s he flew for Paul Mantz Air Service, among others, and was a flight instructor in WW II, logging 2600 hrs teaching precision aerobatics. After the war he supervised conversion of military aircraft to civilian use, flew for American Airlines, Lockheed Aircraft, and Vinnell Corp, a world-wide heavy construction firm. In retirement he built two experimental airplanes.

Batori Dead Reckoning Computer Type B-23 - c1952

Batori Dead Reckoning Computer Type B-23 - c1952
Made in Switzerland by Batori Computer Company Inc., New York.
Note: USA, France, Gr. Britain Pa. Pend.
Front Scale: Miles, or. Altitude (Timer True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. ) (ETA, Air Speed )(presure Altitude, Density Altitude))
Back Scale: Wind direction ( drift, latitude, gal/lbs of Fuel)
Gift of Ed Millis, Dallas, Texas

Cable Airport Flight Navigator

Enco Humble Flight Guide (Promo)
Made in USA for Cable Airport, 13th & Benson Ave., Upland, California
3-1/2in by 7-1/2in dia transparent plastic construction.
Front Scale: Compass Rose, Sectional scale, Miles,(Time Min, Hrs,, Fuel gallons)
Gift Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. tate Collection..

JB Carroll Air Force Type MB-2A Air Navigation Computer

JB Carroll Air Force Type MB-2A Air Navigation Computer
Made in USA by JB Carroll Co. Chicago, c1949-1956
4.25 inch Diameter, Patent USA 2,528,518 (1950) and 2,767,919 (1956)
Front Scale: Cal. Air Speed, True Air Speed, Temp Rise, Mach Number (Pressure Altitude, Indicated Air Temp )
Back Scale: Blank
Course, Reative Wind ( wind , Corrected alt, Minutes, Hours, Wind, Drift, altitude )
Original Owner Stationed at Souix City Air Base, Iowa.
Donated by Jason McHenry, Tucson, Arizona
5.91MB PDF
Includes insert on atomic bomb survival.

JB Carroll Time Distance Computer Type D-4 USAAF - c1943
JB Carroll Time Distance Computer Type D-4 USAAF - c1943
Made in USA. 4-3/8in dia black anodized aluminum, by JB Carroll Co.,MFR's Part No. 102, Spec. No. 94-27387, Order No. (535)43-26556-P
Marked: Property of U.S. Army Air Forces.
Front Scale: True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. (ETA, Air Speed )
Back Scale: Cal. Air Speed, Air Temp, True A.S. (presure Altitude, Density Altitude)
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate II collection.

Cruver Mfg. Co Type D-3 Time Rate Distance Fuel Computer

Cruver Mfg. Co Type D-3 Time Rate Distance Fuel Computer
Made in USA. 4in dia plastic, by Cruver Mfg. Co. Mfr's Assy. Dwg. No. C-106, Specification No. 94-27751, Oerder No. 42-6537-P
Marked: Property U.S. Army Air Corp.
Front Scale: True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. (ETA, Air Speed ) Cal. Air Speed, Air Temp, True A.S. (presure Altitude, Density Altitude)
Back Scale: Altitude, Air Temp,
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate II collection.

Cruver Time Distance Computer Type D-4 USAAF - c1943

Cruver Time Distance Computer Type D-4 USAAF - c1943
Made in USA 4-3/8in dia. black anodized aluminum by Cruver Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill.
Marked: Property of U.S. Army Air Forces.
Front Scale: True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. (ETA, Air Speed )
Back Scale: Cal. Air Speed, Air Temp, True A.S. (presure Altitude, Density Altitude)

Enco Humble Oil Flight Guide (Promo)

Enco Humble Flight Guide (Promo)
Made in USA by (Perrygraf?), for Enco, Humble Oil & Refining Company.
4in by 6in dia plastic construction. Copyright 1968 by Perrygraph. Maywood, Illinois.
Front Scale: VFR Frequencies, WAC scale, Sectuional Scale, Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back: Note card.for filing flight plan.
Gift Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. tate Collection..

Felsenthal Time Distance Computer Type D-4 USAAF - c1943
Felsenthal Time Distance Computer Type D-4 USAAF - c1943
Made in USA, 4-3/8in diam black anodized aluminum, by G. Felsenthal & Sons. MFR's Part No. FAA-11, Spec. No. 94-27387, Order No. (535)43-26556-P
Marked: Property of U.S. Army Air Forces.
Front Scale: True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. (ETA, Air Speed )
Back Scale: Cal. Air Speed, Air Temp, True A.S. (presure Altitude, Density Altitude)
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate II collection.

Felsenthal AN-5837-1 Alititude Correction Computer - c1943

Felsenthal AN-5837-1 Alititude Correction Computer - c1943
Made in USA under a 1943 USAAF contract by G. Felsenthal & sons, Chicago, Illinois. (Mfr's Part No. FAA-9)
Front Scale: Pressure Altitude at Ground in Feet, Mean Temperature (True Altitude in Feet, Indicated Altitude in Feet )
Back Scale: Instructions
Label on box: "If in storage after Aug 15, 1948 this instrument to be tested and re-inspected before issue"
Donated By Carlee Heit of Houston, Texas in memory of her late husband Ray Heit. One of many specimens in Ray's collection.

Fesenthal MK-8-B Flight Computer Computer


Fesenthal MK-8-B Flight Computer Computer (1964)
4-1/2 inch diameter. Made in USA by G. Felsenthal & Sons Inc for the U.S. Navy. Fesenthal MFR's No. FNA-314. Stock No. R88C1152-000-000.
Used for computing air True Air Speed, range of flight (time and Distance. A simplified variation of the Dalton Dead Reckoning Computer
Donated By Randy Rash in memory of his father Charles (Chuck) Elmer Rash (1918-1989) of Portland, Oregon.
Randy writes about his father: "I have all his flight logs and am still staggered by all the different aircraft he flew during his career. The majority involve seaplanes during World War 2 used for submarine hunting and later after the Korean War he flew helicopters. Also with the express purpose of sub hunting. He started in the Navy as a rear gunner/radio man in the Douglas Dauntless and similar aircraft. He was what I believe was considered a "Mustang Officer". He started out as enlisted and later gained officer status after becoming a pilot. One interesting thing was he spent some time teaching Air Force pilots to land on aircraft carriers using the North American T-28 Trojan."
There are two other slide rules used by Chuck Rash in the Hemmi and Pickett galleries.

Felsenthal CPU-48/P B-47/B-52 Air Navigation Bombing Computer


B-47 Stratojet, B-52 Stratofortress, CPU-48/P Kit
FelsenthalCPU-48/P B-47/B-52 Air Navigation Bombing Computer (1964)
8 inch diameter. Made in USA by Felsenthal Instruments for the U.S. Government. Fesenthal MFR's No. FAA-38A. FSN-6605-994-4946
Used for computing air navigation and bombing solutions in the USAF, specifically for the B-47 and B-52 jet bombers. See instructions for scales.
Donated By Robert Snyder in memory of his father Earl Snyder


Earl L. Snyder, was a fighter pilot in the US Army Air Force in WWII flying the P-51 Mustang in combat in Europe, and during the Korean War with the USAF he flew the F-86 Sabre. Later in the USAF Reserves he flew transports including the C-118 and C-124. One is of him during Civilian Pilot Training in Spokane, Washington about 1938. The other is him with an F-86 at Shepherds Grove air base in Suffolk, England in October 1951 where he was stationed with the 92nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron.
CPU-48 Instructions (10.36MB PDF). Designed by Colonel H.F. Korger USAF (SAC) and Mr. N.M. Gaudio, Chief Design Engineer, Fesenthal Instruments Company

Felsenthal PT FAA-212 Aviation Computer
Felsenthal PT FAA-212 Aviation Computer
Made in Chigao, IL (1970)
Front Scale: Cal. Air Speed, True Air Speed, Temp Rise, Mach Number, TAS Knots, Speed/Fuel Conversions (Indicated Air Speed, CAS, Pressure Altitude, Indicated Air Temp ) Back Scale: True Air Speed Index, Magnetic Course, Relative Wind( True Course ( Wind Drift ))
Gift Of Terry Kirkpatric of Florida

Felsenthal PT-3 Aviation Computer
Felsenthal PT-3 Aviation Computer
Made in Chigao, IL (1970)
Front Scale: Cal. Air Speed, True Air Speed, Temp Rise, Mach Number, TAS Knots, Speed/Fuel Conversions (Indicated Air Speed, CAS, Pressure Altitude, Indicated Air Temp ) Back Scale: True Air Speed Index, Magnetic Course, Relative Wind( True Course ( Wind Drift ))
Archive - Scan donated by Bob Denny

General Luminescant Corp Time Distance Computer Type D-4 USAAF - c1943

General Luminescant Corp Time Distance Computer Type D-4 USAAF - c1943
Made in USA, 4-3/8in dia. black anodized aluminum by General Luminescant Corp
Note: Other known manufacturers of this device were Cruver Manufacturing Co.
It is possible that these specimens glow in the dark under red cockpit lights.
Front Scale: True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. (ETA, Air Speed )
Back Scale: Cal. Air Speed, Air Temp, True A.S. (presure Altitude, Density Altitude)

Goble Airline Pilots Flight Computer

Goble Airline Pilots Flight Computer
Made in Montauk, Li.I., New York (June 1946)
Front Scale: Cal. Air Speed, True Air Speed, Temp Rise, Mach Number, TAS Knots, Speed/Fuel Conversions (Indicated Air Speed, CAS, Pressure Altitude, Indicated Air Temp ) Back Scale: True Air Speed Index, Magnetic Course, Relative Wind( True Course ( Wind Drift )
Gift Of Ed Millis, Dallas, Texas.

Grumman Ameerican Flight Computer (1973) 4in dia

Grumman American Flight Computer (1973) 4in dia
Commercial made of stiff plastic, 5-1/2inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Jeppesen, same as the CR-1
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Original Owner: Manual marked with Aircraft Tail number N3322F, a 1966 Cessna Skylane C182J
Gifted by Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, California. Daughter of Kenneth E. Ervin Sr. (Ervin Collection).
2009 photo by Dawei Sun at Glendale Airport

Lockheed Electra E6-B Key Chain

Lockheed Electra E6-B Key Chain
Quote on Front: LOCKHEED ELECTRA - The Turboprop Designed For Pilots, Passengers and Profits.
Made in United States
This is a working E6-B Fuel, Air Speed, Distance Computer.

Jardur Model H Flight Calculator 1943

Jardur Model H Flight Calculator 1943
Made in USA by Graphic Calculator
Copyright 1943 by Jardur Import Co.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift of John Doudera of Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Jeppesen CR-1 Flight Computer (1973) 5-1/2in dia

Jeppesen CR-1 Flight Computer (1973) 5-1/2in dia
Inexpensive Version made of cardboard and plastic, 5-1/2inch diameter disk
Made in USA by Jeppesen & Co.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor Tate Collection..

Jeppesen CR-1 Flight Computer (1973) 4in dia

Jeppesen CR-1 Flight Computer (1973) 4in dia
Commercial made of stiff plastic, 5-1/2inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Jeppesen Sanderson.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor Tate Collection.

Jeppesen CR-2 Flight Computer (1955) 4.25in dia

Jeppesen CR-2 Flight Computer (1955) 4.25in dia
Commercial made of stiff plastic, 4.25 inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Jeppesen Denver, CO. ©1955 Ray Lahr
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by JoAnn Lynn from Washington, DC., Joel J. Lynn Collection..

Jeppesen Sanderson CR-3 Flight Computer (1955) 6in dia

Jeppesen Sanderson CR-3 Flight Computer (1955) 6in dia
Commercial made of stiff plastic, 6 inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Jeppesen Sanderson, Denver, CO. ©1955 Ray Lahr
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor Tate Collection.

Jeppesen CR-3 Flight Computer (1955) 6in dia

Jeppesen CR-3 Flight Computer (1955) 6in dia
Commercial made of stiff plastic, 6 inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Jeppesen, Denver, CO. ©1955 Ray Lahr Pat Nos. 2,529,518; 2,767,919; & 2,775,404
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, California. Daughter of Kenneth E. Ervin Sr. (Ervin Collection).

Jeppesen CR-5 Flight Computer (1955) 3.75in dia

Jeppesen CR-5 Flight Computer (1955) 3.75in dia
Commercial made of stiff plastic, 6 inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Jeppesen, Denver, CO. ©1955 Ray Lahr Pat Nos. 2,529,518; & 2,775,404
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor Tate Collection.

Jeppesen Computer Model R-1

Jeppesen Computer Model R-1
Made in USA by Jeppesen, Denver Colorado, 1955
Copyright 1955 by Ray Lahr, Patent # 2,528,518
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Donated by the estate of James Robert Weber, Lafayette, Colorado

Jeppesen Computer Model R-2

Jeppesen Computer Model R-2
Made in USA by Jeppesen, Denver Colorado, 1955
Copyright 1955 by Ray Lahr, Patent # 2,528,518
Note: the R-2 Received a spring loaded center rivet.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Donated by the estate of James Robert Weber, Lafayette, Colorado

Jeppesen-Westab "Time Saver" Circular Slide Rule and Reference Tables (1965)

Jeppesen-Westab "Time Saver" Circular Slide Rule and Reference Tables for 3 ring binder
Made in USA, A product of Westab, Dayton. Ohio.
Designed and Engineered by Jeppesen & Co. Denver, Colorado ©1965
Front Scale: Fraction, Decimal Conversion, Distance, Gallons, Speed (Time, Nautical Miles)
Back: Reference Tables
Gift of Ed Millis, Texas

Kane Aero MK-8 Time-Turn Computer (1962)

Kane Aero MK-8 Time-Turn Computer (1962)
Made in USA by Kane Aero, St. Paul, Minn.For calculating holding patterns.
4in dia all aluminum.disks.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back Scale: compass rose ( minutes per turn )
Gift of Cindy Tate, Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate collection..

Kane Aero Sky King Computer (1957)


Kane Aero Sky King Computer (1957)
Made in USA by Kane Aero, St. Paul, Minn.. Special edition based on "Sky King" television show..
4in dia all aluminum.disks.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back Scale: compass rose
Gift of Cindy Tate, Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate collection..
"Out of the clear blue of the western sky comes Sky King"(10 sec video), a WWII naval aviator-turned rancher (played by Grant Kirby), who flies his twin-engine Cessna 310 high above the Arizona plains, helping to solve crimes in Texas.. Accompanying Skyler King on his adventures are his nephew, Clipper (Ron Hagerthy) and his teen niece, Penny (Gloria Winters). Penny and Uncle Sky patrolled Sky Crown Ranch in a Cessna named Songbird and helped bring law and order to the fictitious city of Grover, Arizona. "Sky King" was first broadcast on radio 1946 and continued until 1954, running concurrently with the airing of the television program in 1951-1952. Ref: Autry Museum of the American West. This was a favorite saturday morning show of the ISRM curator who was 10 years old at the time.

Perrygraf Flight Calculator 1937

Perrygraf Flight Calculator 1937
Made in USA by Perrygraf, Maywood, Illinois for Pure Oil Company Promo.
Copyright 1937 by Perrygraph.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift of John Doudera of Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Perrygraf Flight Calculator 1937

Perrygraf Flight Calculator 1937
Made in USA by Perrygraf, Maywood, Illinois for Mathews Company Promo.
Copyright 1937 by Perrygraph.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift of John Doudera of Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Perrygraf Flight Calculator 1941

Perrygraf Flight Calculator 1941
Made in USA by Perrygraf, Maywood, Illinois for Aero Insurance Underwriters Promo.
4-1/2in dia cardboard. Copyright 1941 by Perrygraph.
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle( True Heading )
Gift Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. tate Collection..

Perrygraf RPM Flight Guide 1968

Perrygraf Flight Calculator 1941
Made in USA by Perrygraf, Maywood, Illinois for Chevron, Standard Oil Company of California Promo.
3-3/4in by 7in dia plastic construction. Copyright 1968 by Perrygraph. Maywood, Illinois.
Front Scale: VFR Frequencies, WAC scale, Sectuional Scale, Distance Naut Miles, Gal.True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp, True Altitude, Pressure Altidue)
Back: Note card.for filing flight plan.
Gift Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. tate Collection..

Sillcocks-Miller TAS_Computer Type G-1 (cWWII)

Sillcocks-Miller TAS_Computer Type G-1 (cWWII)
Made in USA by Sillcocks-Miller Co Maplewood, New Jersey cWWII-Late 60's
Government contract: Spec No. 27367-A, Mfg. No. D-36539, Order No. (535)42-18051-P Front Scale: True Air Speed Vt, Indicated Airspeed Vc (Pressure Altitude, Air Temp °C )
Back Scale: Blank Archive - Ebay phote

Sillcocks-Miller Co U.S. Navy Aircraft Navigation Computer Mark 8 (c1943)

Sillcocks-Miller Co U.S. Navy Aircraft Navigation Computer Mark 8 (c1943) 4.5-inch diameter.
Made in USA by Sillcocks-Miller Co Maplewood, New Jersey cWWII-Late 60's
Government contract: BU Aero U.S. Navy, F.S.S.C 88-C-1150
Front Scale: Cal. Air Speed, True Air Speed, Temp Rise, Mach Number (Pressure Altitude, Indicated Air Temp )
Back Scale: Back Scale: Blank Gift Of John Holmes of Washington, D.C.

Sillcocks-Miller Co Type D-3 Time Rate Distance Fuel Computer

Sillcocks-Miller Co Type D-3 Time Rate Distance Fuel Computer
Made in USA. 4in dia plastic, by Sillcocks-Miller Co. Mfr's Part No. C-34637, Specification No. 94-27751,
Marked: Property U.S. Army Air Corp.
Front Scale: True Altitude, Air Temp, Press. Alt. (ETA, Air Speed ) Cal. Air Speed, Air Temp, True A.S. (presure Altitude, Density Altitude)
Back Scale: Altitude, Temp. Centigrad.
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate II collection.

Telex AL6 Aviation Computer (1975) 6in dia

Telex AL6 Aviation Computer (1975) 6in dia
Commercial made of stiff plastic, 6 inch diameter computer
Made in USA by Telex Communications, Minneapolis, Minn.. ©1975 pn 93202-00 Speeds to Mach 3.5
Front Scale: Distance Naut Miles, True Air Speed (Time Min, Hrs, Density Altitude, Air Temp )
Back Scale: Wind Correction Angle (True Heading ), correction tables.
Gifted by Terry Kirkpatrick of Florida

Easy E6-B 2018

ISRM 2018.09.16.01
Easy E6-B 2018
Designed By Nicola Marras, Italy
Front Scale: True Air Speed [ Indicated Air Speed, Pressure Altitude ] Air Temp ( Distance, Time Min, Hrs)
Back Scale: Sectional Chart Scale, Ground Speed (Wind Correction Angle, Drift, True Heading )

Whitehead & Hoag Phillips Petroleum Aviation Flight Calculator (1930)
Whitehead & Hoag Phillips Petroleum Aviation Flight Calculator (1930)
Made in USA. 3in dia plastic, by Whitehead & Hoag for Phillips Petroleum, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Front Scale: Miles ( Time)
Back : Advertisement
Gift of Cindy Tate of Bozeman, Montana. Victor B. Tate II collection.

Whitehead Holding Pattern Computer

Whitehead Holding Pattern Computer
Made in USA by Whithead, 2900 N. Keystone ST., Burbank, California
Front Scale: Inbound Holding Course, Outbound Course
Back Scale: Inbound Holding Course, Outbound Course
Original Owner: Charles H. Eaton (1913 - 1982)
Donated by Prof. Robert C. Eaton, Univ of Colorado, in memory of his father.

Miscellaneous Linear Flight and True-Air-Speed Computers

Aeronav Instruments Private Pilots Flight Computer Model-I
Aeronav Instruments Private Pilots Flight Computer Model-I
Made in the United States, in New York by Whitehead & Hoag, Newark, New Jersey
Front Scale: True Air Speed [ Indicated Air Speed, Pressure Altitude ] Air Temp ( Distance, Time Min, Hrs)
Back Scale: Sectional Chart Scale, Ground Speed (Wind Correction Angle, Drift, True Heading )
Gift of Ed Millis, Dallas, Texas.

Soviet-LFAI Aviation Navigator's

Soviet Aviation Navigator's
Made in USSR
Scales: The Corrected height, Height and speed on the device, Distance, Radiuses of a turn - distances - heights

Soviet-LFAI Aviation Navigator's

Soviet-LFAI Aviation Navigator's
Made in USSR
Scales: The Corrected height, Height and speed on the device, Distance, Radiuses of a turn - distances - heights

Soviet-Leningrad Aviation Navigator's

Soviet-Leningrad Aviation Navigator's
Made in USSR
Scales: The Corrected height, Height and speed on the device, Distance, Radiuses of a turn - distances - heights
Gift of Nancy (Allison) Ulrich . Husband Ted Ulrich's Collection.

Pickett Model 100 Douglas Sky Rule 1951


Instructions (6.22MB PDF)
Scan by Steve Treadwell
Pickett Model 100 Douglas Sky Rule - Rounded Braces
Made in USA for Douglas Aircraft - Copyright 1952
Front Scale (A side)(Artwork #56)
Dynamic Pres., Temp Rise [ Static Pres., Pres. Alt, Density Alt., C ] D, True Mach. TAIS
Back Scale (B side)
Impact Pres., Std. Temp., Pres. Alt. [ Temp. Venier, Pres. Alt. ] True Mach No., Dial Airspeed. ] Blank
Gift of Ed Millis of Dallas, Texas

REF Pickett Model 100 Douglas Sky Rule
Pickett Model 100 Douglas Sky Rule
Made in USA for Douglas Aircraft - 1952
Front Scale (A side)
Dynamic Pres., Temp Rise [ Static Pres., Pres. Alt, Density Alt., C ] D, True Mach. TAIS
Back Scale (B side)
Impact Pres., Std. Temp., Pres. Alt. [ Temp. Venier, Pres. Alt. ] True Mach No., Dial Airspeed. ] Blank
Archive - Herman's SR Catalogue

Tru-Flight Calculator Company (1952)

Tru-Flight Calculator Company (1952)
Made in USA by Parisian Novelty Co., Chicago, Illinois for Tru-Flite Calculator Co., PO Box 429, Oak Park, Illinois
Material: 2x7 inch Folded Thin 0.5mm thick celluloid plastic sheet.
Front Scale: Speed, Distance, True Air Speed [ Time Mins, Hours Magnetic Courses Table. Air Temp °C ] D Pressure Altitude
Back: Linear scales for reading Sectional Charts and World Aeronautical Charts
Gift of Philip Stanley of Worchester, Mass.
Note: The Tru-Flight Calculator was copyrighted (IP1254) in June of 1952 by Joseph F. Read

T.O.P. (Take Off Performance) Computer (1971)

T.O.P. (Take Off Performance) Computer (1971)
Made in USA designed by Richard Fritz
Material: 7 x 3.75 inch celluloid cover over cardboard sheet.
Front Scale: TEMP °F, Pressure Altitude, %R.O.C.[ Runway Surface ] [Runway Slope (Downhill, Uphill) ] [Wind (Tailwind, headwind) ] [ Gross Weight ] [ Take Off Distance (5 airplanes listed) Sea level ] Required Take Off Distance
Speed, Distance, True Air Speed [ Time Mins, Hours Magnetic Courses Table. Air Temp °C ] D Pressure Altitude
Back: Instructions
Gift of Andrienne Ervin of Tustin, CA, K.Edward Ervin Collection.

BRL N52 Aviation Janus Series Duplex

BRL N52 Aviation Janus Series Duplex
Made in England by Blundell Harling
S1, A [ B, Ta, Tb, ST, S, C ] D, K, L.
Back Scale:
ICAN temperature, temperature conversion, altimeter correction, P&D alt.[ Temp., Air temp.,C1, Dens.alt., C ] D, SM, KM.
Gift of Phillip Rodley of Upperhutt, New Zealand.

The Technical - Aeronautical Slide Rule (all glass cursor)

The Technical - Aeronautical Slide Rule
British Made - Wood with (all glass cursor)
Front Scale (extended)
10inch // M, P, A [ B, P1, CR, C ] D, K, N \\ 27cm
Back Scale: [ S, ST, T ]
Back side windows
Gift of Mike Weaver, United Kingdom

The Technical - Aeronautical Slide Rule

The Technical - Aeronautical Slide Rule
British Made - Wood with celluloid cursor frame
Front Scale (extended)
10inch // M, P, A [ B, P1, CR, C ] D, K, N \\ 27cm
Back Scale: [ S, ST, T ]
Back side windows
Gift of Ed Millis, Dallas, Texas

Copyright © 2003-
International Slide Rule Museum