Tom Dilatush's Collection of Mechanical Computing Devices

Note: Tom Dilatush passed away on February 14th, 2024 at the age of 70. He was batlling ALS.
His collection will be retained in one form or another on ISRM. You may encounter some broken links as we reformat his images.

Tom Dilatush - (1952-2024) Previously of San Diego, CA. Paradise, Utah. Collector. Member of the Oughtred Society. Contributor of scans to ISRM. After graduating high school and attending college at Clemson University, Tom joined the US Navy in 1972 and served on the USS Long Beach (the first nuclear powered guided missle cruiser) until 1977. Practicing software engineer ex-executive. Enjoyed collecting computing devices and documents them on his website hosted by ISRM.

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